Which a-RT yoyos do people like?

I just received a grail, first time trying one and it’s been really enjoyable. I’m curious what the difference is with the grail compared to the other lines. Size, material, play style. I noticed the grail is really nice and floaty. Light on the string and easy flowing. I’m curious what the difference is with the Dale and quail

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Dale is a Midsized Grail with a D bearing and similar gap; Quail is the same size as a Dale with an A bearing and smaller gap. Both require flowable silicone as the reponse size is custom. Grail uses Snowtires / Dad Pads or the 21mm standard for response compared to the current industry 19mm standard.

Of the ones I’ve owned: Yogurt >= Grail >> D7

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All the yo-yos what have I tried from this brand hook me.
Personally my favorites are (in order): Dale, Kushionmaxxx,Inhaler, Grail, Sparrow, 420L,Fern and Peon.

Edit: I have 15 a-rt yo-yos (and a Holy Yogurt on the way…) and I would like to get a Triptych, a Poupon and a Holy Grail in the next few years… I sense that they will be peculiar yo-yos;)


A-rt is purely based on fun, which has always been subjective.
On paper the yoyos are pretty boring, but once you try them you get the idea. They are indeed fun to play and meant to be purchased by collectors given the insane price point. Unfortunately despite that it is very likely that you receive a flawed yoyo after paying for an A grade, whether it be vibe or ano flaws.

They are machined by One drop but cost the double. Personally if it wasn’t for the hype I wouldn’t purchase anything from them but good thing is they tend to hold their value well.

I have tried about 80% of their models and the Grail still is my favourite of them all.


They have also stuck to their “Mission Statement”


Making a counterpoint to this video


What size is the d7? I assumed it was like a 7075 version of the Dale?

Diptych actually.

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D7 is a 7075 Diptych which is a bigger Canvas around 55mm

In my experience D7 really doesn’t play like canvas. It’s too “floaty” to be like a canvas, maybe that comes from the lack or general weight compared to canvas

I think the KushiMaxx is most excellent.


I’ve tried sparrow, grail, and 420 lite.

Sparrow was fun. Kind of in the same vein as sudo.
Grail was pretty lackluster.
420 lite was very surprising and very fun. I thought I wasn’t a fan of big yoyos but, it turns out, big can be fun as heck!

I think if I were to seek out any ART, it would be the 420 lite.

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I’ve owned the Grail, quail, life, and triptych

The Grail is my favorite yoyo. My ideal specs, shape, and play feel. Very controllable, light, and bouncy.

The quail was also very pleasant, but it’s a lot smaller and it’s got a temper so you have to maintain finesse or it will snag.

The life was a good yoyo, but it just felt like a normal rim weighted organic, nothing wrong with it in particular, but nothing too special that it stands out as unique. If I was the type to keep a large collection I would have kept it, but I only like to keep yoyos I love.

I didn’t like the triptych at all. It felt hollow and soulless, it also has a really narrow gap, was actually one of my least favorite yoyos, it was giving prototype vibes for me. The idea that these go for so much now blows my mind.

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