Which a-RT yoyos do people like?

I’ve seen that everyone loves stuff from art but I just haven’t been feeling it. Thought I would ask which throws people like and if they have any comparisons or quick thoughts on them.


Are u into organics? Maybe that’s why u don’t like them


I like organics like the dunk, bapezilla, eins, oxy 4, and some others like that.

Also thought I would mention I was never a fan of the canvas.

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@yoyojoe, which ones have you tried? i have all save the 420s and the woods, maybe that could steer us in a direction in something better for you to try

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I haven’t tried any of them yet other than the original canvas.


i haven’t found one i didn’t like. however, if you’re looking for items unique to their line-up, the quail uses an a-sized bearing and is smaller than the grail - which is the more accessible model (aside from the life i’d say). also, the vi ix (69), which was a colab with ost, tends to be an underrated throw of theirs… @Doohan will agree i believe.

the static co. sudo, which seems to be a regular throw of discussion lately, may have some of the character you are looking for… if you haven’t checked it out.

Yeah I tried hard to like the Canvas but bought and sold them more than once.

Meanwhile, the Grail might be my favorite yoyo, period.

I really like the A-RT Grail, Sparrow, and Life in that order. Had a Diptych but it didn’t click with me, maybe because it had too much of that Canvas feel that doesn’t do it for me.

Hope that helps.

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Just picked up a sudo and parlay because everyone has been giving them such great reviews. Might have to look for a sparrow to give it a try.


it took a while for me to find a sparrow, but i enjoy it

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The Life murders the Parlay IMO.

life is life


The Life felt, oddly enough, lifeless to me. It was as if the soul had been stripped from the Grail in return for a little more spin time and stability.

Copper Parlay is sublime.


Have not been able to try a Grail, but this seems to be the general opinion on comparing the two. Stable is the last word I would use to describe the Parlay. I’m starting to think I got a bum Parlay the way everyone is talking this thing up. Or I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, which is entirely possible.

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Parlay is definitely less stable. I kind of like that about it though. The copper Parlay is a slight bit heavier because of the copper and I feel like that changes the feel slightly. Maybe I just didn’t spend enough time with the Life. I should give it another shot because I love both G2 and AR-t.

The only one ive tried is the 420, and I really enjoy it. It’s a big bind and regen monster that just makes those tricks so much fun. It’s a niche yoyo, but there is some magic to it that keeps it in my favorites case.

Honestly ive tried hard to not want to have to obtain a Grail, but it seems like I inevitably have to try it based on the organic throws I like. I have little interest in the Life, since I have similar enough organics based on my perception of the user feedback to render it a redundant yoyo. I get the feeling that I would like, but not love the rest of their yoyos.

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Can’t agree more. You know me so well buddy @fatguysnacks247 :kissing_heart:

@yoyojoe Grail is a safe bet, if you plan to get an A-RT, and it is easy to find… But I also love my Sparrow.

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Got a grail and I’m pleasantly surprised


and a beaut! bravo

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A-RT doesn’t have anything that is not coveted.


Wow, purple! Nice color, man :+1:

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