Where can I find a PGM axle?

ok i had a knot in my pgm (best yoyo ever in my opinion(like it better than an 888)) and i was so careful to keep the bearing and the spacers from falling that i didn’t notice that my axel just flew out and i couldn’t find it
anyway i need a new one i’ve heard that you can find one at Lowes or home depot or a store like that. is there any other place that i could get it? like sites? also if i can find it in a store what size or dimensions is it? does anyone know? Thanks ;D

Edited by Doc, Next time lose the ALL CAPS and use spell check

Write Ben an email, and if your lucky he might send you one.

Yeah, he’s such an awsome guy.

He’s given me K-Pads because I didn’t know what size it was!

All I really wanted was a link, but he just sent me some. ;D

k does anyone know an email?
or is it the one on yyf countdown?


My pgm is messed up by being responsive, can he help?


What string are you using?

When it first got messed up i was using 50/50, then I switched to poly.

Clean the bearing, and put a small amount of thin lube on it.

oh wow! i just got edited by the doc …i feel honered ;D

Why would you feel honored, that means your post was bad.

It was probably sarcasam.

Your helping me a lot today!

Hey, its what I do. :stuck_out_tongue:

its like the doc fixed something of mine thats why i feel honered

At first I thought doc as in docrobot from awhile ago!