Where are all the Deep States?

Thank you

I’ve been extremely lucky being able to aquire them

If I’m being honest I haven’t played the one with flat caps enough to say lol

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It’s not as significant as you would imagine. I’ve run all of mine with Flat Caps but the SM I just got has the ultralights so I’ve been comparing. There is a difference but it really is hardly noticeable. Also, as far as keeping this thread going…since I appreciate my Deep State every single day, I might get a little annoying. :rofl::rofl:

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I’m not the biggest fan of the Dragon Slayer either. I watched 2 or 3 Broken Hearts sail through the BST before I got mine.

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Keep sharing those deep states, especially where they happen to be any given day =]

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They’re pretty much always in my living room…I don’t get out much. :rofl::rofl:

It’s definitely not at all because we want to keep twisting the knife in OP’s side… :eyes:

If I were OP I’d be rather proud of what this thread has become…

Also OP has had nearly 3 years since this was posted. If they wanted a Deep State I’m confident they found one.

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Fact. I just like the idea that a post has been kept alive and everyone is just “Look at my cool Deep State that you can’t have.” I’m just thinking of OP sitting at his desk, years later, like “Frick! Another person showing off their amazing DS and I still can’t find one!”

I appreciate that it’s now the de facto DS appreciation thread, but it’s funny to think about it the other way.


I have a few>

I haven’t fact checked to see how accurate the story is, but this is my understanding>

Three or four years ago, Jeff, a.k.a. coding on the forum, Was having some kind of function at discourse Company. He got in touch with Ray from monkey finger and ask him to make about 30 something of the deep states using the anodizing process that only Ray seems to be capable Of doing.
… I’m guessing that Jeff, either had more deep states made than people to give them to? Or he deliberately had more deep states made than he needed to give us gifts so that when the smoke cleared he’d have several for himself in his collection?
…. Well, now that I have his collection, I ended up with several deep states. Most interesting to me personally, is the fact that I have several deep states of my own, and for whatever reason I can’t find the suckers! I’ve been looking all over the place for them… And because I’m not the best organizer of yo-yos when I say all over the place, I’m not kidding. But as of today, I still don’t have the slightest clue where they’re at? So I obviously haven’t been looking in the right place.
… When I find them, I’m certain that I’ll just shake my head and say oh heck, they they are. Oh Well…


Those MFDeep States are incredible!!

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Those are gorgeous. That purple and pink looks so cosmic.

Love the blue/yellow/green. They all look fantastic!

I guess if it’s in the NYT it must be true…

I put brass SE in one of my DeepState and that is insane. You can deff feel the weight diff and how it effects play.