What's your go to source for tutorials?

Thought this could be a good way for myself and maybe others to find some good sources for tuts that they might not have known about otherwise.

Honestly, most of my stuff is from, or has heavy inspiration from, tricks from mrmatio’s tuts. When I was grinding 1a years ago I felt like this was the best source for tuts of high level tricks of stuff I liked to learn. Lots of speed combos, bit of tech, some other stuff mixed in and not too much slack.

While there’s still stuff I’d like to learn from there, all of the tricks are pretty old now so I was looking for something mrmatio esque but more modern and I found Junyi Lin a while back, which was pretty much exactly what I was looking for.

I haven’t really gotten into these yet but I also recently found virtuyosity recently as well, which is a channel that has some cool Takeshi stuff.


the tutorials channel on this discord server has about 50 tutorial youtube channels links on it


Yoyojoe 1 in my opinion has the best tutorials. Super easy to learn off of and everything is explained thoroughly.


3A Pill Version:


Basement Hank


Hank and friends

Hajime Tut

Aliyah hopefully more to come


Watch old freeman and hajime stuff


Lucas Decker
Hunter Furestien

Also Does it count if I say trick a week as a source.


Yo good point!
The trick a week thread is a great way to find out about different content creators.


Youtube/ skill addicts app/ yotricks app and if im not sure about something i ask in any of the yoyo discord servers

When there is an element I love, usually I also just slow down a lot the video and it is quite easy to understand how it goes, not a proper tutorial but it helps a lot to lear something that doesn’t have a tuto


mine was this

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i prefer the old school way of finding a trick vid i like and dissecting it desu

Yeah I’ve been doing the same recently to be honest. I like the challenge and I can learn a trick that I want to learn rather than being limited to what tutorials offer.

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Yoyo tricks app. Its just easier for me because theres no ads and its an app

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