There is gold all over the previous years too…easy to explore and find way too much fun stuff to learn…
Edit for pt two to your question I use this thread I asked about for inspiration Most Stylish Players
Hunter Feuersteinin has been posting trick tutorials on his YouTube channel recently
Lucas decker and Yoyojoe1 also have good tutorials on their channel.
Ooo one thing I like to ask myself before picking a trick to learn is why am I learning this like to know forever or to learn and get better and forget. I would caution against longer tricks unless it’s something you want to perfect and master. Other people might learn differently too but to me length of trick no matter the difficulty is good to note
Videos are a little older, but they’re in slomo so it’s easy to follow along. Good collection of tricks. The guy is left handed tho so you kinda twist it around in your head if you’re a righty.
Also, slusny puts out some good tutorials. Videos aren’t long. And they make it easy to follow. Just go to their playlists and you’ll find them broken down into beginner, intermediate and expert.