I suggest you go back and read the title. It’s “What’s your favorite yoyo company?” not “What’s your favorite yoyo company that made a yoyo that you own?” I like something for their amazing players, amazing skills, and amazing yoyos that I don’t buy because i just don’t.
I like CLWY.
I would love to have the new yoyo that OneDrop has posted a few pics of.
lol that’s like having a favorite author but not having read any of their books.
I just wait until the movie’s out
I don’t own anything related to the Lakers, am I wrong to be a fan, then? ???
My favorites are:
Deadly Spins
Honorable mentions:
I don’t own any of their return tops but I am planning on getting a yeti. But I like this company because of the players, they are all very creative, they think outside the box. Also I admire how CLYW is able to create lots of “hype” around their product. Also why does CLYW say they sell return tops, not yoyos?
I have a lot. General yo, one drop, yoyojam( for 5a there yoyos are good ), square wheels, YYR, tropic spins, werrd, eternal throw, and good old classic Duncan. They aren’t in any specific order from favorite to least. My favorite must be square wheels or general yo.
3yo3 FTW! 8)
Gsquared. I can’t believe more people haven’t voted for them. I have 3 different throws by them and not a bad one in the bunch.
I might be in the minority on this one, but Caribou Lodge is easily my favorite.
There’s a trade mark/copyright on the name yoyo from like pre 1950, also return tops are classier
One Drop and CLYW a close second.
Sturm Panzer and/or VsNYYC
I can understand liking their yoyos, but I can’t understand liking the company.
Favorite for what I have used: Yoyo Factory
Favorite in Design and Conepts: One Drop
ILYY, YoyoFactory, and Yoyofficer.
In that order.