What's the hardest trick you ever learned?

that is the meme I actually saw that made me see what the trick was and then I had to learn it XD so funny and true though


Well I kinda suck, so Spirit Bomb. This trick eluded my understanding, and then got too intimidating to practice because id just mess it up every time. After attempting it on and off for about 6 months, I took a hiatus from it and just focused on honing my other tricks while discovering my own elements. When I finally felt that my skills were more than good enough, I spent a weekend on it and finally started to land it, more than a year after wanting it. Felt SOOO good.

I can now land it on any unresponsive yoyo, slimline or no. My end goal is to land it on a fixie, but the first step is landing it on a Freehand. Still havenā€™t got it yet. Progress is still being made though. Still stoked that I now have my dream trick in my repertoire and can do it consistently. Next step, Superman.


I been working on woohoo. Love his tricks



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Was just having the beef hook conversation with @suspense in another thread.

That said, I attempted it all day yesterday and hit 3 times. Iā€™m getting close.

And yes, arms falling off. Iā€™m still working on the 1.5 though.


double or nothing

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Hate to say it but it was trapeze on my red imperial when I was a youngster. It is one of my personal highest rated yoyo moments to date. I still vividly remember that moment. Ohhhh the elation! I really worked for that moment.


So far still g Go Green Triangle. If I can land it 1/5 times ion proud of myself. That trick kicked my behind for over a week before I got that far. I still hate it.


I just got my double suicides consistent


I canā€™t figure out how to get the string loop to fly across his hands and catch it on the other side with the same thumb.

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Probably Bonesplint. It took me a while to understand what was going on, but itā€™s actually quite easy now that I know it.

After you get the mount set, pinch the string with your TH and create tension with your NTH thumb. Keep the tension as you pluck your NTH thumb out to cause the string to fly over.

Honestly, the hardest trick for me was the One-and-a-half mount.

There were tricks that took longer to learn, but I probably threw that one 200 times before I felt confident I could land perfectly without wrapping around my finger in a knot.

A close second was the Swipe Double Green Triangleā€¦ why I always try to exit out the front is still a mystery.

Swipe double green triangle

I canā€™t get the swipe/pop right without popping the yoyo off the string. Iā€™ve kind of given up on it.


The second hop on Spirit Bomb took me a long time to even land yet alone get consistent. Now I can hit it most times providing that Iā€™m not wearing a watch for the string to snag on :joy:

Iā€™ve got to agree with Beef Hook, I maybe hit that 1 out of every 20, everything has to be just right.

Magic Drop is another one that took a long time to get consistent, but now itā€™s hard to understand why. And Yellow Airplanes, I can always get to the very end but have never managed to get the slack bit and the weird pinwheel thing on the TH consistent. Cool trick though!