What's been your hardest trick to learn

ive been trying to whip into a kamikaze mount for the last couple of days and ended taking a rough snap back to the elbow tonight, and was wondering what trick have you struggled with the most?


Sorry for being sarcastic, but it’s always going to be the one you are trying to learn


some tricks take me minutes to land others days. 1 full day to double or nothing but a ■■■■■■■ week to 1.5 mount

Still gunning for iwasawa tower


A few…Of course they all seemed hard at the time, and some are just so stupid simple (looking) but still end up being frustratingly hard to actually pull off. Here’s a few noteworthy tricks that gave me troubles:

Spirit Bomb (seemed hard at the time, now blow right through it)
Kamikaze (and Magic Drop)
Ladder Escape (I need to actually relearn this one as I forgot how it went)
Beefhook (I had it down but now it happens out of sheer luck).


Boingy boingy was the hardest thing ever for me as a young kid and it frustrated me to no end.

Iwasawa tower is one that also evaded me for years and provided many hours of anger haha


I totally forgot Boingy Boing…I probably felt the most salty about my inability to do it too. That said, it was 2011 and I was at my first yoyo contest with my brother. We both picked up some new yoyos (Spyy Stryker and a RecRev Fig 4, our first higher-end throws). I was showing my brother some stuff and told him about a trick I was working on, being Boingy Boing. I did not have a smart phone at the time so no Youtube to show him…I explained it to him and showed him the split bottom mount. Within a minute of him trying, he had it going…For that next couple of months, I was beyond frustrated that it just wouldn’t click with me. Then one day, it clicked.


Magic Drop was the bane of my existence for longer than I care to admit. Nothing has even come close giving me the type of grief it did. Once I got it though, I got it, the struggle was over. Now I look for tricks with a Magic Drop to show of all my hard work. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m trying to hit this trick but with three slacks instead of two.

I’ll let you know if I’m ever successful :smile:


Shotgun Beefhook is the one for me. That trick has made my blood boil with rage in the past. Every once in a while I’ll give it a go, but it still remains a flashy way to land in a brother mount [for me].

Jano’s Arcanum is one that I have never landed. I have he first 85% of the trick fairly consistent, but that last part is just not fun for me.


Bowie’s Revenge by Andrew Daugherty (took me half a year):

Ryota Ogi’s Slack Catch (took me 4/5 months):


I was playing with magic drops earlier on a responsive yoyo as now they’re just that easy (high walls help)…wanted to see if I could come up with anything. I do remember jumping onto Superman shortly after Spirit Bomb and Kamikaze/Magic Drop for that same reason - that “yeah, I can do it…” feeling.


I remember hook and brent stole seemed absolutely impossible for the longest time back when i was a beginner.


Magic Drop. Lol that thing took a long time. Also reverse brent stole. I just can’t do it xD


Neck stole was a pain, still evades me sometimes but not too difficult. The real pain is too get it consistent


Id like to know what is difficult for you now😉. Do you invent your own combos?


Boingy boing way back. I don’t know now though.


I hate reverse Brent stole. I busted my knuckles so many times learning it. I never learned anything that incorporates it, so I haven’t done it in a while(tried a few weeks ago, barely managed to do it once).

The most painful trick for me to learn was ninja vanish from brother/brother slack. I kept smacking my knuckles on the yo-yo, and every session I ended up bleeding rather profusely. A video by @EOS44 set me straight and I stopped hurting myself(my knuckles thank you) and finally got pretty consistent with it.

The most difficult trick for me to learn… Maybe Superflow. I was new to modern 1a (my previous experience was as a kid in the late 80s/early 90s), and that was the first trick that I felt beaten by when I picked yoyoing up again. Fairly recently I gave it a go again and it finally clicked.


I don’t hit my knuckles at all haha. The problem is that I know what I have to do but it seem I can’t get it consistent:(


I think I’m the only person who hurts himself with reverse Brent stole; I guess I’m special :rofl: I’m not even sure what I was doing that was causing it to bind and hit my hand—it would happen so fast.