What's the Biggest Shipment of Yoyos You've Gotten?

What has been your biggest order of yoyos that you’ve gotten?

Two “Lucky” boxes from YYR.
@ 3 yo-yo’s in each “lucky box” = 6 YYR in one order.

I bought a CLYW BvM, CLYW Avalanche, One Drop Sovereign, 3 KK bearings, two sets of Brass UL SE’s and some string

That was on 4/9/11…

I bought a CLYW collection of 6; 2 Bassalopes, a BvM, Campfire, Wooly Marmot and a Gnarwahl. Two years ago. Best box ever.


The biggest yoyo shipment I ever got was my 12th birthday gifts 3 years back.

-Zeekio Animal
-Pocket Change
-Die Nasty
-Pocket Pros Vampire (Actually an awesome yoyo)

-tube of Ammo
-Twisted Stringz Trifecta bearing
-k pads (one set)

My biggest shipment?
0 yoyos.
I’ve never bought anything online, I have 3 yoyos
Yomega xodus 2 (terrible) : big 5
Onestar (really good for the price) national yoyo museum
Supernova (great) national yoyo museum

My biggest shipment yet:

YYE Expert Shirt
TMBR Irving
2 Packs of Duncan SG Stickers
2 5-Packs of Red and Black Twisted Cotton String
25-Pack of Yellow Slick 6 String
50-Pack of Green Expert String
Duncan Raptor (Bronze)
YYF OneStar (Lime Green)
YYF Loop 360 (Green)
YYJ Surge (Red w/ Blue Caps)

I got it on July 5, so only five days ago. I got so much because it was my last YYE order until Black Friday, unless I need supplies (like I will probably get a bearing after WYYC and I might need string before then).


Umm…20 what? 20 yoyos? That would be crazy…

Actual shipment? 2 summits… I’ve won up to 5 or 6 At a time though

Pacquiao, Y Factor, Severe 2010, original dark magic… 2 of them are gone and I’ve put 2 of them up for sale xD

i got a G5, 888, go big, loop 900 pair, trap, popstar, and a case in one trade.

10 gambits haha

Yyf genesis
Single yoyo case
Kk bearing

Too much stuff:

C3YoYoDesign Di Base 2 (Black W/ Red Acid)
Duncan Light Up Freehand Zero (Clear)
One Drop Chik (Purple)
TMBR Baldwin Wooden Yo-Yo (Brown Stripe)
YYF LOOP 1080 - Champions Collection (Neon Yellow w/ Watermelon Caps)
YYF ONE (Gacek Edition (W/ Extra Center Trac Bearing))
YYF LOOP 1080 - Champions Collection (Clear w/ Clear Caps)
CLYW CLIFF (Camp Caribou (Gray W/ Green/Blue SPLASH + Silver SPECKLE))
YYJ Dark Magic II (Translucent Orange W/ Blue Rims - Toxic Frog Edition)
YYF Performance Oil (Loop / Response (thicker))
Flowable Silicone
Kitty String - 100 Count (NEON Pack)


I picked up a lot of 40 yoyos a month or so back

Split D

This was not the most expensive order, but the “biggest shipment,” was this one. I had to go back in my YYE account to find it, but boy those were the days. I was even more excited about yo-yos back then. The hobby was newer to me than it is now. Talk about a yo-yo nut: