What's the benefit of a Titanium yoyo?

Hello guys,

I am very curious about this topic, I will start saying that basically I do not know what I am talking about and that’s why I am asking as I never tried a titanium yoyo before but I have one question, is that really worth? What is the big difference between a “normal” and a titanium, does it worth the expense?
I can understand that from one side the price is justified by the material but what are the pros of paying so much for a piece, is it indestructible, dead smooth after fall on the floor, more spin time, more balanced, more everything?

Please take me out this doubt because I see many titanium yoyo around that look beautiful but the price is absolutely insane (at least for my pockets)



probably in order: durability, collectable, machining characteristics for designs makes them ‘better’ in Ti vs aluminum/etc. where as they may not be possible otherwise… most importantly the TiNG sounds it makes.

Lots of past threads on same topic from a Search.

ps. TiNG - good name for a yoyo.


Aluminum throws play just as nice as titanium. while they do offer benefits you still see every world champ using aluminum. Mostly we buy them for the coolness factor.


Nothing. Most bi-metals are going to out perform Ti yoyos for cheaper.

You are mainly paying for a luxury material and the weight distro & damage resistance associated with it. It’s also harder to work with from a machining side of things.


Titanium is a much stronger material than aluminum, as such it can be machined to shapes with much more extreme weight distributions than Aluminum can. The additional strength also brings additional durability, they dont get nearly as damaged when they hit concrete. Titanium is more resistant to corrosion than Aluminum, and has a much more beautiful luster than Aluminum which means they can be finished raw and not worry about damage.

Ti has a lot of benefits, its also rare and expensive. The strength means it takes longer to and is harder to machine so special tools are needed both of which increase cost of the yoyo.

Whether a Ti yoyo is worth it is up to the person purchasing the yoyo. If a toy that retails for $250-300 is worth it, it will be worth it. I personally love my Ti yoyos, but don’t have plans to add any more.


Durability and they make a cool ringing sound when played. That’s about it. Really not worth the price, but if you have the money go for it. I only have one titanium in my collection, but it is a very fine throw.

Really the extra durability is a catch 22. They cost so much money people tend to not use titanium’s as a EDC. Which really you should because of the extra durability. Most people wanna protect the value. Of course there’s some that immediately spark them.



Can’t do that with aluminum/stainless steel/magnesium :wink:


I was going to ask if any top players compete with Ti. I don’t think I’ve seen any.

Is this true? I would actually guess that you could cause magnesium to spark as it’s a common material used for fire-starting tools. Heck I’ve even bought Mg ribbon and set that on fire (it burns extremely bright).

My Freehand Mg is beat so maybe an experiment is in order.


Takeshi Matsuura has competed with the Mustang, Sean Hung competes with the (Shaqshine) FG Ti.

I’m sure there’s more, but these are the two that immediately come to my mind of top level players who use it.

I think another question might be: is there any benefit of steel over ti? Steel just seems like a more design-restrictive version of ti, but maybe I’m overlooking something.


Yep, I was surprised too; here’s a Turning Point Radix being spark-tested

(Also something I found amusing is that the Japanese word for “spark” is 火花; the two kanji that make it up are “fire” 「火」and “flower”「花」which is pretty apt!)


Thanks for the reply.

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Honestly the best most straight forward down to earth explanations of the Ti desire I have ever seen.

2nd TiNG

I thought the BiND was clever one too.

Have a great rest of the week


Okay, that was cool with three at the same time

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As far as I’m concerned the only benefit if that you get to be a gear snob and feel superior to the poors. Currently throwing my Project Ti btw. Get ya bread up.

There are a multitude of reasons that make titanium an amazing choice in yo-yos.

First of all most of them are so expensive that they keep you from wasting money on other things like food and rent clothing, vapor materials, a new iPad, and many other things that you would obviously just squander your money on.

Secondly, if you’re old like me, and you fall downstairs, a lot, a titanium yo-yo will not be damaged and can be used to identify the remains because it’s the only thing that won’t be broken.

Third… Is very important. Especially in the more organic shaped titanium yo-yos. It’s a great trade off in materials for people that can’t really cope with learning new tricks. You can just throw a very hard sleeper, pinch the string, 6 inches above the yo-yo, and then use your middle finger to make crazy noises by flicking it against a yo-yo and amusing yourself by the sound that will captivate you to the degree that you’ll forget you actually bought the yo-yo to try to learn something.

Titanium yo-yos are great in their ability to distract you from performing constructive things when you can just go out to the sidewalk after dark and make sparks with your 3 to 5 or $600 yo-yo. Sparks are so important to make you feel like you have some magical skills kind of like a fire breathing dragon. Not having to buy your own dragon could be money, saving in the long run. Because when dragons are breathing fire, they take up a lot of space, they eat constantly, and their farting can burn the color off your eyes. Being a structural welder by trade, I have the advantage of making sparks all the time without jacking up my expensive titanium yo-yos . Sparking yo-yos to me is overrated because I see sparks all year long.

Titanium yo-yos, have an advantage, if you are very low on the skill level, because if you watch, somebody do an amazing freestyle with their yo-yo that you couldn’t accomplish even in your dreams, you could always just smile to yourself and say well. I bet that sucker doesn’t have one of these ha ha.

Also, if you learned a trick, that might be not even amazing by simpletons terms but to you, it’s an incredible achievement, you can always just stand in front of your bathroom mirror and convince yourself that you couldn’t have done it without your titanium yo-yo, yeah, right…

Titanium yo-yos can also be great as an Ego leveler. I can go on the Internet and watch Isaac casually do an amazing five minutes of highly skilled yo-yo tricks, just standing in his living room, wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt. But those incredible skills Isaac possesses don’t mean that much to me, because I have a bathtub full of titanium yo-yos, so why do I need yo-yo skills? It’s kind of a false feel good thing.

The only drawback is that when Isaac goes to buy a hamburger, he can get a double double with cheese, whereas I only have enough money left to buy a hamburger bun with thousand island dressing on it.

Titanium yoyos can be a great excuse to keep your long game mission intact. They can help keep your enthusiasm up because every time you personally learn a trick you can somehow falsely convince yourself that you could not have done that on anything but a titanium yo-yo. So when you close your eyes and land that double trapeze on your titanium bowl, you know you couldn’t have done it with anything but that yo-yo. That expensive yo-yo. That yo-yo that makes plenty of Sounds when you flick iso when you close your eyes and land that double trapeze on your titanium bowl, you know you couldn’t have done it with anything but that yo-yo. That expensive yo-yo. That yo that makes funny. Sounds when you flick it. That yo-yo that you could use as a wheel stop if you park your truck on an upgrade. You will know in your heart of hearts that you were just so much faster without dragging around the weight of a heavy wallet, because you spent all your money on a single yo-yo. But the titanium yo-yo convinces you that the force is with you and you can party like it’s your birthday.:partying_face:

For me, it’s economical from a medical standpoint. The straight jacket that I wear is only subsidized by the government as long as I can prove that I need it. Otherwise, it’s pretty expensive to lease. The doctors are very skeptical by nature. But as long as I bring a whole suitcase, full of titanium yo-yos to my doctors appointments, it justifies that I am clinically insane, and they extend my free use of the straight jacket.

From a financial viewpoint, buying titanium yo-yos, keeps me on the street and Narrow. It limits my temptation to squander money, and other things.: food, clothes, a new iPad, a new Apple Watch, 10 tanks of gas for my truck, going out to good restaurants and eating, especially extra expensive dessert, going to movies, hanging out with my friends, keeps me from going fishing because I can’t afford to buy bait, definitely forces me to eat smaller portions, and drink water instead of just buy a Coke.

And, it has a magical way of keeping my eyes lubricated. Because when I lean over and cry into a bathtub of titanium yo-yos, when I think of how much they cost me, the yo-yos don’t rust from the teardrops, because they are titanium.

Sorry, I wish I had something negative to say. But I will say this… If you buy 500 yo-yos in the next 20 years and you don’t have one single titanium yo-yo, you’re not missing a thing. They are overpriced, overrated, and more of an item that you buy just to enjoy it but not because you have to have it.

I certainly have enough of them. Obviously, most of the stuff I said above this line is just my low grade humor. But that being said, even though I have fun with my titanium yo-yos, as a learning tool not a single one of them has been any kind of game changer for me. To me, they do not hold any magical handicap in assisting a person to learn a certain trick.

A word of wisdom from your old uncle Mo. Never, and I mean, never feel sad that you can’t fit a titanium yo-yo into your budget. You don’t need one. Technically, you never need to own one. If a titanium yo-yo is out of your reach, it’s probably a blessing in disguise.

Just get a good playing yo-yo, add some enthusiasm, be thrilled with all the money you saved by using the yo-yo you have, and just hang out with your friends or in your own living room, learning some tricks, and not thinking of sparking anything.

And when you go down to the hamburger, joint order a double double and a large Coke and a side of fries… Trust me, you have the money to do it and…. Still have money in your pocket.

On the other hand, if you’re compelled to buy a titanium yo-yo, and you can afford it, you will probably like it. But do you need one?

Absolutely not.


10 tanks of gas for your truck for a Ti yoyo? what year was this written?

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I’ll keep it simple

Monetary value

Titanium yoyos retain their value, may even go up in price given scarcity


The most significant advantage is a lighter wallet, reducing the risk of throwing your back out of kilter.


I started driving when I was 16. I am now currently 71. When I started driving gas was $.23 a gallon. Most of my friends in the area were army brats. They used to go to the Base store and buy cartons of Marboro cigarettes for $1.20 for the entire carton 10 packs. We used to go to the triple feature movies on Sunday for $.35. You could ride any bus in my town 50 miles out of town for $.10. A snickers candy bar that was just about as big as a hotdog bun cost five cents. Are used to buy my 501 Levi’s at the union war surplus for six dollars. You could say I go back aways, lol.

…. My stating the 10 tanks of gas versus a titanium yo-yo was just something I threw in there for people like you to catch because that statement was just about as goofy as most of the other stuff that I put in that post you just read or at least attempted to read.

But all joking aside, I have titanium yo-yos that cost 5, 6, $700. Oh, and since I can fill my Toyota up for $100, that is not really that far off from a technical sense. That would be five, six or seven tanks of gas for the price of one titanium yoyo.
…… so my exaggeration is not that exaggerated based on that example I just gave you above this statement.