What yoyo is this? Looking to learn responsive play

Haha okay I’ll stop complaining & keep practicing :sweat_smile:

Okay, so I thought I got better and I was quite happy with the progress I was making, and I just found out that all that happened was I practiced until I wore down all the silicone on the pads.
They didn’t last very long at all :sweat_smile:

So which pads should I change them to so that I have grip but not to the same extent?
Not sure what is good for responsive play

This is what I have :


FHZs are good. Try putting the thick dif pads. Those perform way better than the friction stickers.


Thank you @EOS44 for the suggestion, I will give that a go!
Although what I would ideally like is a little less response than the pads it came with, would that achieve this result?

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Dif pads are no where near as grippy as Duncan stickers.


That’s the thing about the response on old yoyos like the FHZ. You really have to experiment to see what you like the best. I have a FHZ with a CoreCo pad on one side and a thin Dif pad on the other side and that seems to give me the level of response i want (going for full unresponsive on that one).

If you want less response then I would advice you to experiment with all the pads you have that are that size, although Dif pads are a great place to start. Basically you want to avoid frictions stickers altogether. They offer great, grippy response but they last next to no time. Anything made from silicone will be miles better. Hopefully this guidelines give you what you need to find the response that suits you the best.


Or get a Velocity. :wink:

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Thank you!

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Yeah that is great advice, and seeing as I have lots of pads, I will try them out one by one.

One more thing, I only have thin lube, is there any downside to using thin lube for bearings in responsive yoyo?
I know thick lube is what is required, but that’s additional cost and wanted to see if I really need to buy a bottle just for one practice yoyo.


Okay, I will undoubtedly window shop for a while.
For now, I think I’ll stick with this one as I already have it while window shopping :slight_smile:

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The experimentation advice rings true here again. Try a dry bearing and see if you like the level of response. If it’s not as responsive as you want, try thin lube. If it’s still not responsive enough, try thick lube, up until you arrive to bike grease levels. Basic rule (in responsive yoyos) is lube = more response, and thicker lube = more response.


Ah so thick lube isn’t mandatory as long as the level of response I get is satisfactory. Okay thank you! I was worried I’ll be doing something wrong by not using it.


I mention the Velocity–half seriously–only because there’s all this talk of experimentally modding the yoyo to adjust the response. That’s pretty much what the Velocity was designed to be easy to do.

BTW, the need to adjust the response is sorta what I meant when I said “It might not be you, it might be the yoyo.” If the yoyo was not a factor at all in the results you were getting, there would be no need to tweak it in any way. But clearly the tool is part of the problem in this case (and can be the case with many other responsive yoyos out there).

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Exactly. Thick lube is pretty much necessary in yoyos that use a thin size C bearing, but since you’re using a smaller size A bearing and bigger pads, you might be fine using just thin lube or no lube at all. Personal recommendation from me is to experiment!


Ah totally makes sense as I was happy with the response (when the pads were almost worn out) and then it suddenly just sort of died lol

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Naw that’s what you think based off of how long your thinking it would take to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Most people have this misperception. There is ‘definitely’ enjoyment along the way of learning in this approach - it’s not all just ‘work’. You can’t really gauge the ‘if its really worth it’ part unless you try it for a couple months to see if it’s too much of a burden or not.


Yea Duncan response pads stock are very very responsive. Compared to todays throws and even todays responsive throws, they def are snappy. Now go back and watch Jason Lee competing with them stock
: P


haha LOVE the hat!!!
I think I need to start wearing one just like it! >.<’

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