This is my first thread and since I couldn’t find any topics similar to that which I’m pondering I started a new one.
I just want to know, if you could pick any yoyo regardless of money, what would you pick?
I’m not asking because I’m looking to buy a yoyo; but because I want to know what you guys think
If money and availability were no object, here is what I would have…
CLYW Avalanche - Jack Rabbit
One Drop Cascade - Red & Gold with Black Splash
YYF DNA Mutant - Brown with Silver Splash
Anti-Yo Bapezilla.2
C3YoYo Trident - Green & Blue with Black Splash
SPYY Ronin - Orange & Black
VS Newton Battosai
If I could try any yoyo, I would try the Duncan Mg. For some reason the simplicity of taking the Freehand and making it ridiculously luxurious appeals to me. Also, I would want to see if it is an actual performer, and not just a piece of magnesium.
Money is never really an object for me when it comes to yoyo’s, but if I had to pick the one I’d have regardless it would be the Spyy El Ranchero because I’m convinced that it’s the best yoyo out right now at any price. If my collection were pared down to one, that would be it.