It’d be sick if someone made a slightly wider Genesis (by about ~5mm give or take) with it’s weight more centered around the axis of rotation of the yoyo so it spins faster. It would be called Leviticus… just throwin’ that out there
Speaking of which, do you guys consider the laws of moment of inertia and angular momentum when designing yoyos? It seems like a lot of your models have your weight dispersed away from the axis, but doesn’t that mean it would take more force to spin and it would spin a lot slower than one with its mass closer to the axis? It’s kind of like how when a figure skater is spinning, to speed up the spin she would bring her arms and legs closer to her body to decrease her moment of inertia and thus spin faster than if she was spinning with her limbs completely spread out. Maybe I’m just talking gibberish, but that’s always interested me.
yes it would spin faster,^^^ but think about leverage. When you spin it initially from the center, the outside of the yoyo recieves more force. Think of gears on a bike. The smaller tha back gear the faster the wheel goes and the longer it spins. It’s really complicated and there’s a lot of stuff people can say about it. I don’t wanna write too much cause Im in a bit of a hurry, but look it up on google about the physics of a wheel.
The Shadow, For the Shadow knows why I’d name it this…
Behemoth, for a slightly larger one.
Windsheer, for a more angular one.
Frodo, for a smaller one…(I hope to heck somebody gets this reference…)
Meatball. Then the colourway would be brown with black speckles. And the best part is…, it’s made out of real meatball!(warning, user must eat in two days or extreme stomach pain may occur.)
A heavy yoyo (well… on the range of what’s considered a heavy yoyo) that would be painted in dark gray and would have engraved the Mjölnir in the centre (for obvious reasons)
It would have a special collectors edition with the ability to call upon the power of thunder.