What Went Wrong?

I got my new FHZ last week and after one day of throwing the string broke.

No biggie, I got a 100 pack of 50/50 strings.

I replaced the string, and then proceeded to apply (probably too much) thin lube… I thought this would be a good idea.

Evidently not: my yo-yo string will not stay wrapped around the yo-yo; if one were to pull the string while wrapped around the yo-yo, it will simply undo. Not just that, once I finally wrap the string around it (binding, hand start and trapeze quick wind don’t work btw, so I have to wrap around my index finger a few times) and throw, the string unravels in a limp manner and the yo-yo falls to the floor without any force – it’s dead before it reaches the end of the throw. :frowning:

What is going wrong and what do I need to do? Any help is greatly appreciated :stuck_out_tongue:

  • WYD

string isnt supposed to undo. did it come off? Did you tie it or open the loop? I am kind of confused

Is there pads in your yoyo?

There’s a friction sticker.

And I opened the loop.

Basically, rather than traveling down the string and sleeping then coming back up, it just loosens is dead by time it reaches the end of the string.

So, when you throw it instead of rolling down the string normaly it just shoots down loosely if so You need to put in new pads. The lube probably got the stickers wet and it is not giving grip.

I to agree
Its like there no respons there, isnt it?
Check the respons system.

Make sure you screwed the yo-yo all the way together.

My throw monkey did the same thing . It was the friction stickers

mine did too… but i dont have any friction stickers in it. it only does that some times though.

Definently a response system problem. Get new friction stickers, or talk to somebody about siliconing, but that may be a little above you. Can you bind?

Nope, can’t bind.

So, what should I do, just take out the other friction sticker? (I only have one in).

I have no clue what’s up with the response sys…

Learn to bind its simple.

Thin lube doesnt always work on every problem. It might even be the problem.

The thin lube is not the problem. Put the other sticker in and see what happens. Also order you some Duncan silicone stickers. Make sure it says silicone. These will last you for a good while.

Since its a FHZ, try to play around with the spacers. The gap might be too wide and the stickers might be worn. Make sure the friction stickers still have some life in them and try to narrow the gap for more responsive play. Also, once the yoyo is somewhat responsive, work on binding.
On binding: When I was first learning I had a brand new FHZ (fresh stickers). Once I played for a while and learned a bit I put in one narrow spacer and one wide one (one is brass, the other silver colored). That worked well to try learning to bind, eventually the friction stickers lost a bit of their bite and I had to use the two narrow spacers. As I got better at binding I eventually put in one wide spacer and then the other. By the time I could bind every time the friction stickers were worn down competely and both spacers were the wide ones. That is still my preferred method of playing FHZ’s. Good luck! well, not luck, just skill. Good skill!

Helpful. Thanks cap’n.

No, I mean I can’t bind – my yo-yo can’t even be thrown lol.