What was your first metal?

me too


Ok I think it was a DERT. Yeah It was.

THe old california.

first run flying V, got it off this site too, still have that thing and love it to death! small gap made me more accurate tho.

i bet it’s been sooooo long.

for me, it’s an aoda sunshine (that 888 bootleg, that thing is easy to find here). bought it like after 4 month since i got serious in yoyoing, at that time i don’t even know what is 888 or yoyofactory.
and i beat the crap out of it. . . .


Dv888 Hard Coat Edition.

yyf primo but didnt liked it so bought the ilyy fury :wink:


i am getting a protege or a yuuksta at worlds. that will be my first metal.


Mine was a green dv888 that I trashed, got fixed, then trashed again to the point that it was unplayable


Aqua '09 G5

Rollout R1 but I didn’t like it so I traded it for my ILYY Wasabi ;D