What trick took too long to learn, but should have been easy?

Zipper took me longer than I’m proud of to get right

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Hey man if it helps I got a tut for it but it’s step by step with animations showing where to go and such at pov angle (I have mirrored version in the description if you’re left handed too) I try making it so it’s clear so you never gotta go frame by frame. I hope it helps man!


Sick. This will be helpful for sure. Thanks dude!

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You’re welcome man!

Kwijibo seems to be a very common missing trick for people at my yoyo club but for me it was yuuki slack! I have it down now but it took me FOREVER to learn.

It’s hard to keep the hands in the right positions and not feel like you’re about to blast yourself in the teeth

The person that owned it said she wants to use it to light her camp fires in the summer lmao. It bounces around like CRAZY it’s so out of shape.

It was my favorite throw of the meet and I can’t stop thinking about it

Not $30, but Yozean, Wateiboo, and Yoyo Studio all have sub $100 Ti on Jeff Bezo’s now.

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I feel so seen with all these magic drop posts- why is this trick so difficult? One of the first rejection tricks I wanted to learn and it still haunts me. One day… One day.

I can land it once, and then do what i feel is the same thing and get a different result. I think that’s why they call it magic drop, it’s witchcraft and voodoo and hocus pocus

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I second this one. I just got it down last week. And I still have bad days with it.

The hardest trick, took the longest to learn… as in still learning;-) wink wink nudge nudge…

How to stop buying throws ? Very much still learning!

Yeah man I was so frustrated learning it from yotricks, then said screw it imma look up a Japanese tut to see how they do it and yoyorewind explained it like 7x easier to understand

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Magic Drop


Thanks for the tip. Not been close yet