Tell me what trick has taken you the longest to learn
Brent stole took me a while. Post nuclear tool a while too.
Define ‘learn’.
White Buddha took me forever. Took so long I’m not even interested in it anymore after finally doing it a few times.
Superflow I got pretty quick, but I couldn’t repeat it or combo it for over a year, and it still gives me too much trouble.
H8 u I still can’t land it more than like 2% of the time. I recorded myself doing it, and I can’t even see what’s wrong. It looks like it should be working. It’s like the loop just stops suddenly before it goes all the way around.
Think Beefhook is going to kill me. Or perhaps it’s an omen, and someone is going to murder me with an actual meat hook.
lol it’s ok it really does take time try to experiment in different ways to see if you can at least get closer to landing it
Mark Mangarin/Dkim/Arata arm hops
Any +1.5 negative hooks.
Kwyjibo ^^ and my ongoing struggle with that made up word
Also beefhook, here. Although, technically it would be kwyjibo, since it was the trick I was working on when I stopped throwing back in 2001 and I just started landing it when I came back this year.
Kwyjibo for me as well. I still can’t land it consistently after 6+ months of working on it.
Any tutorial on that?
I’m still working on getting Kwyjibo and Superflow consistent/smooth and have been doing so for months. Superflow I can reliably get a couple of repeats on though I still can’t go straight into it from entering my mount (still have to pause). Kwyjibo is literally hit or miss for me on the second string. There’s a trick to it that I keep forgetting and relearning and forgetting
black hops and pop n fresh
also sea sick
What is this magic trick master? Teach me!!!
Lmao it’s something with the angle of your hands when you uncross them to catch the second pop. I think I brought my TH forward slightly? I’ll let you know when I remember
I gave up on Sea Sick lmao.