Hardest trick to learn

Please do, I need as many hot tips as possible


That damn beefhooksā€¦ landed it once when I was first trying and thatā€™s it, itā€™s been months of trying.


I got it down, did it a few timesā€¦ NEVER doing it again.


Beefhook took a lot of time but progressed quickly after I got tips from Kyle. I also shoot slo-mos of myself which really helped at identifying the problem.
Probably BoingyBoing was the most frustrating for me, itā€™s based too much on muscle memory and most of the time I had no idea what I was doing wrong even.


Yuuki slack for me. Itā€™s been like two weeks. I need someone to show me in person.


Suicides (Oh how I wish there was another name!)

Iā€™ve been working on my own tricks for years and years, and it seems like I never get any better at them. I donā€™t think theyā€™re even very hard. Iā€™m sure there are many yoers i could teach them to, who would pull them off with little problem.

I finally managed to pull this one off and get it on video:


I think Iā€™ve posted it here before, so sorry about that if I have.

Iā€™m bound and determined to get my few original tricks recorded, but itā€™s frustrating how flat my progress curve is!


I had the hardest time with it as well. For some reason this tut made it click for me:

Shoot the Moon, look me decades, but Iā€™m decent at them now!


No one mentioned spirit bomb?


Actually; Spirit Bomb is one of my most consistent tricks.

I can screw it up 20 times in a row without fail.

I can get up in the morning; grab a yoyo And do Sprit Bomb like a Boss; several times in a row.

Then; later in the day while on a break; I canā€™t hit the trick if my life depended on itšŸ˜³

I do have a little consolation; though.

Several years ago at Nationals; I was talking to a Pro level friend ā€˜about Spirit Bombā€™. Amazingly; although he does more difficult looking tricks like nothing. He told me that Spirit Bomb is not on his playlist. He told me he got frustrated with the trick one day. And simply decided he would not let it get to him any more.

Soā€¦ to this day; when I do hit Spirit Bomb several times in a row; I smile and think of him.

I will never play like himā€¦ but I can do the trick that defeated him; lol.


Spirit Bomb took me the longest, I just never thought I would understand it let alone get it! I am now pretty consistent and get it way more than I donā€™t, it is pretty much part of my muscle memory now!


Iā€™m working on spirit bomb now. Once I get it, I think Iā€™ll finally feel really good at yo-yoing!


Spirit Bomb is the trick Iā€™m most proud of. Itā€™s probably the hardest trick I can do pretty consistently. Of course, I have no idea how to throw it into a combo or anything :slightly_frowning_face:

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