What trick took too long to learn, but should have been easy?

plastic whip, after 5 years i landed it today


looping. gave up on it in the late 90’s cuz i could never get it to click, and finally figured it out around 2022.


Probably Seasick
I don’t know if I can officially declare that though. I tried it about 5-6 times, and noped right out of there. Haven’t tried it since, but I did attempt it, and not go the distance. So it still lingers as my longest-to-learn trick.

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Boingies are hard to learn, but for a reason. I wouldn’t say they ‘should have been easy’.

A trick that looks easy and should be easy yet somehow is very tough to master is the Beefhook.
The funny thing is, even when you think the hook forms the right way, it still does not catch the yoyo, purely sadistic.
I can’t even say when and why it clicked for me. I did not do anything different than with my ~500 (?) tries before but for some reason all of a sudden I was able to do it.


No idea if this is easy for anyone else, but I can do Eli Hops all day as long as they’re more or less “up” hops. I cannot get the horizontal style Eli hops at all.

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I thought this was going to turn into the Beef Hopk thread. lol. Beef hook took me forever!!


Yo i love this element. You gotta make sure nth thumb is over the string like that and then kinda push the string as it rejects and then move the th away which will make the slack smaller but make it move faster. Also bend your knees and let nth follow the yoyo down if the slack is too slow. Good luck yo send a vid if you still cant get it .

For the thread ig looping like idk it just never clicked

Nah bro, front shoves are the bane of “looks easy but actual nightmare” :melting_face:

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It took me THREE WEEKS of and I’m so serious NONSTOP practice for this one trick from a mr.matio tut. I was literally doing everything correct, but whipped in the back half of the yoyo and not the front :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face::melting_face:

Nobody mentioned magic drop
That is strange. I would say it was the first mind bending trick for no obvious reason for me.


Also tricky for sure

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Alright, usually what makes me want to learn a new trick, is when I see someone execute a trick during a video.

Now, for whatever reason, I am too stubborn to look up a tutorial for the trick, so I instead slow the video down, and try and figure it out through that.

No wonder I get frustrated learning tricks. Lol

I should probably just start watching tutorials, that would make my life (or at-least my yo-yoing) a bit better

As for a trick itself, I am stuck on Ladder Escape—specifically the 3rd part of the trick once you start getting into the slacks. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t

Plastic Whip was one of those tricks early on that didn’t make any sense and I had to just grind it out for hours until it finally made sense. I barely use the trick now but it helped me to understand how to better pay attention to how the string moves and let the slack do its thing instead of forcing it.

Currently, I’ve been working on Wax On/Wax Off for something like 5 years and only recently have been able to hit it with any consistency.

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Magic Drop / Shockwave combination took me a bit to learn. Eventually it just “clicked,” and it’s a go-to trick for me now.


Regens. Finally just starting to get better at them after 2 and a half years. I never learned to loop.

I 5th this motion. Still can’t consistently hit that last hop.

Rancid milk. I still can’t figure it out, and every time I try to watch a tutorial, I get through the part I already know, then I get distracted lol. It’s like the universe is waiting til the right moment to let me learn it :joy: in due time


This is how it starts. Every day they’ll get more consistent. Soon, it’ll be easy.