However I did figure out why I was doing brother to ninja knot and that’s not happening any more.
(It was how I was holding the loop w my throw hand finger)
I accomplished a major hurdle in my throwing development and it has made me extremely happy. I studied diagrams in trick books, watched every tutorial dozens of times - including the Yomega DVD with slow-mo clips, and I just could not make it work and it was driving me crazy because it was the frontstyle hurdle I wanted to leap over and perfect before lunging into sidestyle. Some people make it seem so easy and it was frustrating me to no end. Today at work I told my friend who I only see at work: “Barrell Rolls are kicking my butt.” We went to the back lobby and I pulled two yoyos out of my pocket and handed him one. We threw down and did the same mount and he showed me some corrections in what I was doing and in 5 minutes I was doing Barrell Rolls properly! Trying to learn this trick over the last month was driving me almost to tears. It just was not clicking and it seemed like it should be so easy. Now, I’m going to keep practicing this trick for a few weeks until I no longer have to put as much thought into the hand motions and it becomes very smooth and fluid. He told me his favorite throw, a DV888 has a shot bearing so guess who’s gonna be surprised tomorrow with a new concave bearing and a new bottle of thin lube? Thanks for reading!
So what’s the secret? (My barrel rolls suck.)
Having problens with barrell rolls? I assumed most people here get by on tutorials or have throw friends. Having someone IN PERSON show me where to push my finger and tell me how I should move my hand made ALL the difference. I have no secrets. I’d watch tutorials and think I got it then throw and get into the mount and POOF! I was lost. IN PERSON coaching is 100% superior to video tutorials. Now I’m afraid I will wake up tomorrow and forget how to do it!
I can “do” barrel rolls, but I don’t feel I have the rhythm down quite right, and so I can’t do them fast. Not only that, but I miss the front string a lot of the time and the yoyo just drops straight down and out of the formation.
Yeah, I get that dropping every few times. If you can do a few rolls watch what you are doing carefully. YOU WILL SUCCEED! Right now my rolls are too tight. I want them bigger. I’m not worried about speed and neither should you. Once we get better at doing them slowly the speed and ease will come just like when we first learned to tie our shows. It seemed so difficult at first and now we can do it while watching TV.
Brother ninja was really frustrating to learn, but one day it just… clicked. It takes slightly more wrist action than regular ninja, you really have to whip that string. I don’t use four fingers anymore either, just my NTH index; but using all four did seem to help while learning.
It’s also one of my favorite tricks. Try doing a magic drop - landed on the front string instead of the back [slightly modified brother] - to brother ninja. Super satisfying!
I forgot to say last night - I actually like the way slow barrell rolls look. There’s a nice flowiness to it of course a lot of spin time is lost going slow. If I can do this really fast on responsive it will be a great day though I have not attempted it yet.
Okay. Deep breath (for me). I just learned Split the Atom! Now it’ll take me 3-4 days to perfect it. It takes me a looooong time to grasp hand movements in tricks so when it finally clicks I usually go through a day or two of believing I can’t possibly actually be DOING this trick and all the doubt and worry that I will forget the motions. I can now do Brain Twister, Barrell Rolls, Split the Atom, land a Trapeze, as well as misc. rolls, flips, and some weird no-name oddities I picked up from a Dylan Kowalski frontstyle tutorial. 2 1/2 months ago I could do none of these things! Thank you for reading this!
Okay, you are all probably more experienced than I am… clear me up on this, please: Isn’t Split the Atom just a little more complicated and smaller Brain Twister? That’s the impression I am getting. I got it down pat but now I’m like - I just learned a complicated Brain Twister called Split the Atom.
Split the Atom is basically just a Brain Twister from the split bottom mount.
Haven’t worked on other people’s tricks in years I don’t think. I just mess around and do whatever seems fun at the moment
But then there’s the second mount like in the first barrell roll then the third and then basically a brain twister few spins around the finger. Man, it was so difficult for me to learn and I’m like, okay, brain twister but I’m guessing it’ll help with the coordination for the more complicated tricks so…cool. I guess. If I did not learn barrell rolls I would not be able to do split the atom…
I try to have several tricks going at once. I’m working on my consistency with Kwijibo so that I can graduate to Spirit Bomb. When I get too frustrated with SB I work on Suicides and Regenerations. When I want to work on my speed I practice Skin the Gerbil and Mr. Matio’s easiest Double or Nothing speed combo.
I’m the most stuck on the first hop in Spirit Bomb. I keep forgetting to move both hands under the yoyo. If I land the first hop, the string is wrapped around my throw hand thumb and it isn’t in the right position to open the triangle.
Good luck wit dat! Dang, that is all above my grasp right now. It sounds like you’re really progressing!
I found if I do the first part of Nagao hops that lands in the brother then brother slack, Ninja vanish then gt Suicide to Jade whip. Pretty fun combo for me. I like how the string gets rejected or almost whips at the first part of nagao hop.
Mach 5: Accomplished today.
My 1a baby steps over the last month: Barrell Rolls, Splitting the Atom, Mach 5
Yeah, Brain Twister too - that was huge to me in August.
All accomplished.
This summer I could only do Forward Pass and Around the World.
I’m kinda proud of myself for sticking to it. I learn slowly.
Yep, I’m relearning all this that used to be easy
There’s a lot of fun tricks you can combo together from split bottom mount. If you don’t already, I’d suggest learning boingy boing, seasick, and pop n fresh - good elements to throw into your front style combo