What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

After this week is over, and AZ States has come and gone I’ll be working on tricks, and getting back on here again to be involved in the forum haps now that the app is updated.

Not sure what you want to call this, one of my buddies randomly came up with this last night so I decided to learn it :slight_smile:


Beginning reminds me of the Cabin Tutorial “Mark Allen’s Evacuation.”


Latest work in progress (incomplete)


AG, that looks like a Snap GT variation. Pretty neat!

Working on Ladder Escape. Can’t even get the mount…

I am trying to understand and figure out 5A. The videos are a big help but watching and doing a two different things.

Magic Drop. This trick has befuddled me for months, so, I’ve started focusing on it. Then, my son said “spread out the trapeze a bit”, now I’m landing front string a bit. But, still needs work

Pulled off a Suicide! Got it like 5 times tonight!! (And of course no one here to hold a camera…)

Hops and Pops combo. got it down pretty well now. :slight_smile:

Lately, I’ve just been trying to work on what I know and work on my execution of things. My accuracy seems to be lacking especially when going for something long…the other thing I just can’t seem to shake is “cameraphobia” where I go to try to record something I feel I can pull off confidently and suddenly it’s like I subconsciously get afraid of the camera and just mess up entirely. Pretty frustrating, been like this for probably the past 10 months or so when I began recording my tricks.

Spirit Bomb…that second pop

Ugh…I know the feeling. I can practice my tricks for months and hit them 9/10 of the time, but as soon as I get in front of the camera, that number falls very low. >:(

My six year old son has been practicing his double-or-nothing with my Vanguard for at least the last hour. He’s starting to hit it pretty consistently.

Headed into One Drop Monday to pick him up a Gauntlet (and a TopDeck for myself.)

This brings back horrible memories. :smiley:

Oh man…10 months ago…when I decided to pick a yoyo back up, I decided my first “new” trick to learn was Spirit Bomb. That second hop killed me. Thanks to everyone on here I was able to finally get it going.

That second pop killed me. But the initial reason the second pop killed me is because I wasn’t doing the first one right. :smiley:

Even after getting the first one right, I had a second round of serial failures because I couldn’t get the land-through triangle big enough. I had to 1/20th speed the videos and compare what I was doing over and over until I realized I didn’t have my thumb in the right position to spread the triangle open.

After that, I started getting successes, and now I’m consistent with it. Even landing it blindfolded, although I haven’t tried that lately.

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I made my own trick called side triangle ( on my you tube account how to do it :100:)

Candy Slack - Finally figured out the last part so I can repeat it. Fun trick! Now time to rip it apart and build something off of it :slight_smile:


After “plateau-ing” I got inspired to work on a tech combo of my own, still nowhere near perfect or complete but thought I’d share it with you guys so far.
