What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Horizontal finger grinds. Landed my first one today!

Random elements, really not getting in to the big stuff today.

Just generally working on my fixed axel play, no tricks in particular.

Branding. All good till I get to the last part of the trick…

The basics, helping my friend learn is actually pretty tricky. Trying to break something down so that it’s somewhat presentable is kinda hard.

When I do that last part, I make it such that the “loop” to be flung is open from near the tip of my finger to down past the knuckle. Then I whip the loop around so that the loop is horizontal rather than vertical. The NTH forefinger is pointing down and the loop goes right onto it.

Is it cheating? I dunno. But I’d rather consistently nail it like that then worry about whether doing a proper laceration of the loop is canonical…

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been working on gentrys speed combo.

Zach’s tension slack, really tricky trying to actually get the yoyo to land in the slack, but I managed it a few times.

I finally figured out how to make the YYE X trick. Not 100% accurate but pretty close (somewhat). What do you guys think?

Looks good to me, ThinkH2o

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Dude that’s awesome.

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Not sure if there is an actual tutorial for this trick but I’m going to make one tonight.

That would be sweet-- I’ve never been able to learn it. :slight_smile:

A combo that’s “supposed” to be fast. It’s not. I have to make it fast.


Day 5 of Yuukified Poutine Bucket

I have been attempting this trick for days now. I have forgotten what human interaction is like. Im running low on rations and have resorted to eating Top-Ramen or even cat food. I still havent landed that double whip.

Working on the Matrix and refining my Plastic Whip.

Trying to get that 2.5 hook…a lot of arm motion :-\

Been playing with a lot of wrist mount stuff as of lately.


I’ve been working on some new 1A combos.