What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

I already knew V Neck Folds (I know it as “Tunnels”, but it’s still Chris’s trick!) but I’mma watch that video over and over to help me learn the instant D-o-N. :smiley:

Made a new repeater…

Horizontal bind/combo. Having a tough time but its coming to me

Double whip backwards GT Ninja vanish.

I’m going to try to learn kamikaze once my hand heals up a little bit. Also I want to try to get into horizontal play.

I just created a new trick. Looking for a name for it. Let me know what you guys think about it.
https://instagram.com/p/8uRyASwxP7/?taken-by=colbyandcarly finally something I created that is not a repeater.

One I made up called “Chocolate Covered Bacon.” Don’t ask how it got its name, it just popped into my head at random.


What do you all think of it?

dude thats awesome, good work. ps love the name of it XD

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Black hops, Eli hops and trying to perfect my trick called “hang em’ high, or not at all!”

Tatsuya Fujisaka Speed combo tutorial by mrmatio

Golden Elephant

mach 5

Great trick! Transitions perfectly into Pop’n’Fresh, too.

Funky PacMan

Kind of got inspired by CLYW’s latest cabin tutorial but I tend to not repeat repeater tricks unless it’s for practicing and consistency. Instead I’ll use 1 rep of it as an element and with that said, here’s a little mini combo I’m working on.


is that where you work? I see they’re inforcing the no yoyos indoors rule.

That is my work place, I take my 2 15’s outside. More relaxing than being inside hearing phones ringing.
We just don’t have an outdoor lunch area…

Working on elihops and superman. I feel like elihops shouldn’t be this difficult. And supermans triangle jump is a pain. Anyone know how to get the last triangle bigger without having to stop and readjust to make it bigger? Sometimes it’s open enough for me to hop throw but most times it’s very small.

a tower that can reject