So here what I came up with for my first attempt at making my own trick. I’m new to chopstick so… Yeah.
Late night yoyoing I found can bring out some cool things. Figured I should record it just in case I forget what I did by the next morning when I wake up. With this said, I have what I can call “my own” trick that just came up when playing with a wrist mount. It’s sort of techy and flowy and it has no name yet.
Just imagine when I get quicker/smoother with this…currently half asleep when trying it and seeing double as I post this trick on the forums.
Triple Monorail Gondola
Eli Hops. Need to practice these more often.
I absolutely suck at Eli hops.
this is true. I don’t pay enough attention to them. I practice them every now and then. As always, practice makes perfect.
Yup it really does.
I was so bad at Eli hops for the longest time. And then one day I hit a percfect Eli hop and I was like “Oh that’s the right way to do it”
I can get a chain of 5 or more every now and then but often times its just 2 or 3 and then fail.
Getting consistent with 1.5 hook, working on getting consistent with whip directly into kamikazi, from nothing. Next will be whip into double or nothing
Thanks again for showing me that kamikaze move. Really liking it. I’m still try to work out my combo and making it better.
Here is my combo, I changed up one small thing, But I think its starting to look better… What do you guys think?? Feedback would be great. I cut out the part where I bind to fit it on Instagram.
Working on gormleys rotating GT. in getting it down pretty good now. Just gotta perfect it.
Managed to hit a PAOBRS. I hadn’t hit it clean even a single time, and I say to my wife, “Watch this, and imagine what it SHOULD turn out like… and tell me if it looks cool enough to finish learning properly.”
I hit it almost perfectly. She goes, “Which part was the screw-up?”
“Uh… none of it. I did it more or less correctly that time.”
“Well, it looked cool. Yeah, polish that one up. It’s a keeper!”
Thought I’d do something fun and because I can’t do seasick, I went with the next best thing. a Mach 5 360 body turn. Was doing a gentry trick. But my own version of it…
and just so you all know I was just trying to have fun. don’t take this trick to serious.
Working on some Evan Nagao x Adrian La inspired tech.
second horizontal combo of gentry
Trap Exit, I’ve got a feel for it, and in the tutorial they swing the yoyo multiple times. I want to keep it to 2 max, that way I can work it into a longer combo.
thats a pretty cool trick. Gotta learn that.
Was practicing a simple umm… Over the arm trapeze to bind? Don’t know what it’s called but its when you let the yoyo go over your shoulder and catch a trapeze as it comes around. Also included a few Eli hops in it. Tough bind.