GT Slacks
Eli Hop
Smoother transitions for my Single A yo-yo freestyles!
After rewatching some 2014 Nationals routines I’m set on upping my tech game
almose got this one down CLYW Cabin Tutorials - Tressley Capris
little bit stuck on the part before the bind begins.
but i,m getting closer everyday
Sidestyle combos.
Rancid milk. Several weeks of inconsistent practice and I’m still nowhere with it
The Zipper
Brent Stole… And guess what? There’s a reason why its initials are BS… >:(
horizontal anything, just got myself a horizon yesterday just ordered myself a horizon yesterday to help with it
Canadian Ladder Escape
Been only practicing reverse laceration sky bind all day after, derp, sustaining some injury in the left thumb and index.
I can now get the yoyo back most of the time, although the horizontal version still UFOs quite often.
Cold Fusion
Creepin gt. cabin tutorial
I have been working on this for a little bit too. This on takes control or you get mad tilt. I’m working on the last part now. Its the part where you have the throw popped twice and discounted. I seem to always get bad tilt when I go for the string pull before the dismount.
Making a Jason Lee Sling 3A ver both blue line and velvet versions. Pretty darn hard
Also trying to incorporate fingerspins into side style 3A and landing under the leg double trapeze
chopstick mount
Been landing my Code Fusion here and there, however I also miss here and there. Trying to master it.
Finally figured out the 2nd part of superman. Now to get that part consistent.