Doing to much
(Name of a combo)
I’m working on some new tricks and combos of my own right now. Other than that, Slusny tuts.
They have great tuts. Queue them up in a YouTube playlist until you stumble across one you want to learn. I was trying for Gaberus a while ago but I couldn’t quite get it. Might circle back around.
I’m still slogging away at making Zach’s Tension Slack a bit more consistent. I’m hitting it frequently enough that I’m not as frustrated with the trick anymore, but lack of nailing it down as a 9/10 tries kind of thing is going to be the next frustration!
I think I’ll learn Underwater Basket Weaving tonight… I already have Branding on lock, so changing a few elements leading up to that “Branding whip” shouldn’t be a chore.
Just came up with some interesting tricks that are extremely unique. Will try to perfect and use for Wave 3 of GN Yoyo Co Tutorial Series.
You make so many tutorials. You’re quite generous to share so much of your original material with the community. I couldn’t even possibly imagine myself coming up with tricks at the rate you do. Kudos to your creativity and generosity.
It just goes to show that anyone can inspire. You don’t have to be a pro, or even close by. Observations from a distance can be just as gratifying as those at close range.
I know I most likely won’t be able to match your trick creation rate, but you’ve definitely inspired me to start making new tricks again.
^^ Thanks bro
Will name a trick after you. But, I’m serious…
Carlos’ NTH D3/follow thingy
Slack tricks.
I’m just trying to invent my first combo.
That’s really hard to make a combo that looks cool!!
bent over horizontal GT laceration hops
Kickflips (got them Down, just working on consistency) and 1.5 stall on my fixies.
I’m on the same quest, I kinda don’t feel like it is original enough to have a name yet…
Also trying to get consistent Eli Hops (I need to improve those), getting a solid boingy boing, seasick and narrowing down other tricks that I’m a little slippery on.
I am currently working on a new combo called, Ryosuke lwasawa, a really cool trick.
Learned a relatively simple repeater that I cannot do smooth at all. My new “idle” trick will be to keep working on it until it’s smooth.
KoroKoro but the yoyos keep hitting each other during the rolling portion
Ann Connolly inspired tech combos
John Chow California States 9th Place Freestyle.
paul kerbel fingerspin follow