What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Welp i got something new to learn, super super cool trick. Thanks for posting this @Isaac :saluting_face:


I found a way to get into a knot isolation from wrist mount. I’m not working on anything in particular but if anyone has any cool Knot Isolation tricks/videos (shout out @DocPop!) please lemme’ know. I’m searching for inspo!


I think learning ADHD could be fun for you. YoYowen has a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O9Kl6x9r_M

Jason Lee’s Ping Pong could be a good fit for you too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCuaiO7xeTc&t=146s

Both of those are very different than the way I do knot isolations, but I think they are cool ways to think about what can be done and how to move differently in an isolation.


I am trying to get the “double or nothing” down. My first trick with a “layered” string set-up. While doing the trick, I started to speak to myself: “Inside - outside - outside”, to land the string on the right portion of each finger. I usually fail at “- outside”. But it’s close.


0A - Stalls in general. Just beginning my 0A journey.
1A - 1.5 Mount - getting there.
Skin the Gerbil - also getting there.
Wormhole Combo - polishing this one.
5A - Polishing and basic handling.


Usually when ppl talk about “layered” string tricks, they mean multiple layers of string in the gap of the yoyo. DoN isn’t really like that. the same amount of string is in contact with the bearing as trapeze.

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Thanks for the info Henry. :raised_hands:
How do you describe a trick like DoN?

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Working on supercharger and yuuki slack for 1a right now, and mystic dumps for 0a. Ive seen so many tips for the supercharger whip, but it still eludes me


Ummm I’m not sure I would probably just say it’s a basic mount. I don’t know really like it’s just DoN :sweat_smile: probably an unsatisfying answer. I just wanted to make sure you were on the same page with “layers” vocab. If you did want a trick that has a bit of layering, you could look at skin the gerbil. The double ons aren’t super layered, but it’s more than a single trapeze.

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For the thread, I have like 5 3a elements I’ve been trying out here and there. I also have a longer 1a combo I’ve been working through. Trying to focus way more on execution now. I haven’t had much time to yoyo lately so I’ve only been able to work on a few things here and there. I try to get in a bit of play every day tho still. Oh and I stay going through my 3a combos; making sure they’re consistent and pretty.


Ah, okay. Thanks man. :raised_hands:

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Missed the pre2025 til after I’d written, my mistake, retracted. :grimacing: