What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Ok. What kind of yo-yo are you using?

To make sure. The yo-yo won’t continue resting in the trapeze without snagging? This could be technique or the yo-yo. If it is super responsive like a looper or something, it can be very snaggy with string in the gap…period. So that’s one possibility.

I’m using the sage yoyo redesign, similar to the yoyo factory arrow


Been trying to get this thing down……can’t seem to figure out the trick to getting the rejection right, but that’s why we try new things huh? :upside_down_face::joy:


I’ve not tried one of these but I have seen them used to do some pretty impressive string tricks so I’m mostly certain it’s not the yo-yo. But it’s still possible. Upon landing you want to have your setup looking kinda like a check mark but more level. You want to make sure your strings are tight without sag in them. Sag can become slack in the gap which will cause response. I feel like practice will show continuous improvement for you. It’s a deceptively easy trick. It’s more difficult than it seems, but once you get it, you get it. Also, if you are getting “bounce” you may try a lighter throw.

Thank you! :grinning:


You should be able to push the Yoyo forward a bit and pull the string with the thumb into the wall of the Yoyo and it’ll pop around. Lemme know what’s not working right, if you want any help. Good luck!


I DID THE TRICK! Thanks for the help!


OK. For the life of me, after watching 3 videos, still can’t figure out the first hop of Kwijibo. HELP!

The uncross to DoN?

No, the initial hop to the 1.5! My brain is broken.


Oh okay yeah I had to watch the trick again lol you do a trapeze and Eli hop and cut your throw hand index right into the string and under the Yoyo as you cross nth under throw hand. It lands cross armed so it’s not a 1.5 until you roll and uncross your arms. You’ve already watched tuts it sounds like so I won’t send a vid but hopefully a text explanation might help lemme know if you still can’t get it and I’ll make a vid.

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Eh here’s a vid I did think of something that might help it’s like if you were to go into 1.5 mount but not go into the top string and then cross under. Try that maybe it’ll help you understand what to aim for


That helps a ton! THANKS!

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If yall arent working on responsive velvet rolls what are yall working on! /s


already got a clip of that lol stuck on the stm lunar landing tbh lol trick is hard hah


Never tried to do a whip catch with a top because I figured it was beyond my pay grade, but I started trying this week to do this trick, and I have made it to the first whip catch a few times today. It’s frustrating but addictive at the same time.


Ninja Vanish


I was working on Black Hops then took a three monthish break now I’m back at it. Got within one hop of landing it.


Beefhook. Watched a couple other tutorials over the past couple weeks and wasn’t able to land it a single time. Watched this tutorial and now actually get what I’m supposed to do and have successfully landed it 3x in a short session