What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

It’s time to finally defeat the Double or Nothing. It has been my nemesis for way too long!!!


I love the resources here. I went back and looked at one video and saw right away that I was not anchoring my NTH. I finally got the feel for it and I’m landing it more than 50% on my Deep State. That feels so good!!! Not being able to hit that Double or Nothing was really holding me back. Now I feel like a huge door just opened in front of me. Just don’t any of you come up and kick me through it!!:disguised_face:


Congrats! I learned the matrix after double or nothing I think. I love the matrix. Great doc pop trick.


Just finally got supercharger down. At least for me right now that trick is nearly impossible with the super old strings with 10-15 hours of play I use. New string is like day and night with that trick. Very satisfying to see that string freaking hook.


@Yooo May I recommend connecting it to this trick? I’ve been doing super charger into it for a little bit and it’s a super satisfying pair of slacks.


Awesome, thanks! I just watched what the beginning of the trick looks like and it looks real cool. Gonna watch the whole tutorial tonight. I’m trying to picture how to get from the mount you end in supercharger into the 1.5 mount this trick starts with. I’ll have to try it with a yoyo tonight, my brain doesn’t work that good picturing it haha.

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I roll it to the outside and switch fingers in the process so it’s on my index finger instead of middle. If that makes sense. If not, let me know and I’ll record something.


Thanks I’m gonna try it out soon here. Just watched the whole tutorial it does seem like a cool trick to chain together.

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I’m working on a black hops combo with a beef hook and a transition to rancid milk + ??? undecided how to end it but I’ve been getting better at a laceration style bind so maybe just that


Ok. Someone made a post highlighting Gentry Stein’s Nine Dragons challenge. At the end is a link to video where he teaches his girlfriend the DNA. So there you have it. That’s what I’m working on. I feel like I’ll have it today. I’ve got the other tricks in the video although this was the first time I had done the Helix but I got that this morning. Part of my enjoyment from yo-yo comes from the cool little wispy sounds the yo-yo makes as it changes direction and whips around. The Helix makes a pretty nice sound and I think the DNA will too. I’ll confirm it later. :grin:


Landed the first half of Black Hops. Party at my place.


I’ve been really work on slack tricks,like suicide for starters


As a follow up, I’ve done all the tricks in the DNA video I just haven’t gotten the actual DNA yet. It starts bouncing and I can’t get it to land. I know I’m doing something wrong. Looking back at the video it looks like I might need to bring it in while it’s still tilted and let it roll onto my finger. I’ve been waiting till the yo-yo flattens out and consequently it starts bouncing. Does this sound right?

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if your yoyo doesn’t have a good dimple that locks in your finger, yeah, you want to attack the yoyo with your bind while it is still in a tilt but stable, before its completely level… at least that works for me. its harder without a real dimple or spike.

I’ll work on it. Also the only yo-yo I have with a dimple is the American finger spin. So I’m trying this on an unresponsive as well.

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if you get a chance to try a speedaholic xx, you will be surprised at how much easier it is to land.

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the american liberte? thats one of the best fingerspin yoyos around. you’ll be able to get it down, i have faith <3

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After five ISH years of throwing, trying to learn horizontals. Struggling at the moment to stop the throw dropping back to vertical.


I’ve been yoyoing for about 3 weeks now. For the past week I’ve been working on the zipper and finally got it down fairly consistently today. Couldn’t get it exactly the same way as some of the youtube videos I’ve seen, but it’s essentially the same moves with my own spin to it (pun intended).


This trick looks so dope. Thanks for sharing this video tutorial.

Been working on this one for a few days now.
That slack whip thing at the end is so fun. Can’t get it every time but hopefully will get more consistent with practice.

Also, How does Brandon get the trick to flow like that? It looks so insane start to finish!!