What’s the best string brand?

BadWolfeCo makes some gooood stuff!


Yeah, I don’t know about “best”, but my favorite strings are:

  • YoYoStringLabs Type X - Neon Orange
  • ZipLine Business Class - GoldenEye, Cherry Bomb
  • ZipLine SkyLine - all colors
  • Knot Bad - Yellow

Penis jokes aside I want something thick soft and springy


I’ve been using twisted strings a lot lately but I also like original throw strings and Sochi . One thing I do notice is that green and yellow always seem to hold tension the best and this is for all string companies any string makers care chime in as to why ? Or am I just crazy


Bad Wolfe Co. is now my go-to brand. Usually the 100% nylons in the reg thickness.


Give ZipLine SkyLine III strings a try. Soft, springy, and bright colors.


I’m on it

I can’t say whats the best, but I can say I prefer Bad Wolfe Co. strings for their consistency and overall lifespan. I mostly plat with their “Goldilocks” thickness.


Love me some heartstrings great white (i think that’s the correct name) by @Dust

Bit thicker and whips like crazy. They last forever. Not sure if he makes them anymore though. I stocked up while I could :grin:


Thanks for the love fam! I do still make them from time to time as needed. I’ve got a bit stashed away at the moment (maybe 60 or so ready to go) I do not advertise or post about them anymore but the legacy is still rolling! PM me if you need anymore.


Plain old, ordinary, standard sea level bulk string has always worked for me.
That’s probably why my skill level stagnated at the rank beginner level.


My favorite bulk strings are mfd vines and kitty, for “boutique” it’s zipline (g2 diamond blend and ep 20/20). plutonium is also nice and i have a ton of nostalgia for the old bulk poly hilites yyn used to sell.

ahhh, i see you’ve seen the light!


yeah man… the vines are fast… really digging how they perform

i’m going through my throws - since i have yysl
on almost everything, and seeing which i like better on each.


For bulk I mainly use OT strings. I like it better than kitty, and its cheaper


The strings that I use the most are:
MarkMont Nightmoves
MarkMont 65
Zipline Prestige
homemade cotton for my fixed axles

like others have said, there really isn’t a best string anymore than there is a best yoyo, best song, best flavor of ice cream. It is a combination of what you enjoy and what you have with you.


I keep a variety of strings and frequently experiment with different combinations:

  • vines regular and thick
  • zipline mostly poly, I haven’t been crazy about their poly/nylon but the new EP 20/20 is growing on me which isn’t surprising since KC 24 has been my favorite of theirs. Kotn is really nice also.
  • YYSL plutonium and type x
  • OT regular and thick
  • RainCity thin sochi
  • markmont formulas. All of them, but blue eyed dragon and cumulous foam are the ones I use the most. If I could only have 1 brand of string, it would be markmont.
  • Anonymous strings regular and thick. I really like these for a bulk, wish they were available on YYE.
  • Twisted strings, I still have some of their older stuff from a few years back and their new stuff has impressed me. Seems to last a good while, holds tension and does slacky stuff well.
  • Airetic. I keep a few on hand, though I generally just don’t like nylon. I have a few yoyos where their thin strings work better than anything I’ve tried.
  • Chaos 422. I think this is actually a combination of poly/nylon, but stiff and coarse. Takes time to break it in. I haven’t found another string I like as well for older narrow gap high wall yoyos. Sadly my stock is dwindling and hasn’t been made in a long time, luckily it lasts a very long time. Markmont dragon, draken and night moves are a good substitution but still not the same.

My go to bulk has been YYF knot bad, it holds up fairly well and has a ‘just right’ thickness for a lot of yoyos, loops stay open decently, and whips pretty good too. It holds tension and has some nice bounce for a couple hours of play, then I toss it. I greatly prefer it to kitty string.

I also have a mountain of mystery string, it seems like when I buy an older yoyo off the auction site or a BST that I’ll get a handful of string tossed in. Sometimes I can identify it, but often I can’t. If there’s one I like I’ll ask the seller, but it seems they usually don’t know either.


Is there a good thin string out there?

I find that almost everyone recommends strings that are as thick as if not thicker than Kitty Fat but I just can’t work well with any string thicker than normal Kitty. But then a lot of these thin strings end up feeling really rough which creates a lot of blisters on my hands and find it really difficult to do anything that pulls my finger through the string, like Eli Hops.

I found that the airetic string that came with the exia just didn’t work well at all and my binds were terrible. I just need something thinner than that. Is that string a regular airetic?

Also has anyone tried the new Kitty String?


For thin I like general poly6 white. I use it for 2a but love it for smaller gaps where boutique is just too fat.


I’ll give it a try! Is it soft?
I really want to avoid blisters.


Have you ever tried Airetic or Spool Co (defunct).