I’m that guy that heads straight up the mountain while others choose to meander their way up, or take a helicopter. Not one of these is better than another, just preference. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that refused to use training wheels as a child, while others used training wheels and had adults hold the seat of the bike. Not one of these is better than another, just preference. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that sees something and tries it, little to no instruction or research, let me at it, while others choose a more calculated approach. Not one of these is better than another, just preference. (As long you survive lol.) What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that cringes at the mention of liver and onions, but others absolutely love it. I’m glad for them. It’s just preference. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that walks the dog, while other choose not to walk the dog. Not one of these is better than another, just preference. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that shares whatever yoyo I have in hand if someone is interested, while others choose not to share or carry a second yoyo. Not one of these is better than another, just preference. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that has been yoyoing most of his life, perceives old school yoyoing as a great way to learn, while others don’t agree and “just can’t understand why anyone would do that.” I totally can understand why others might find old school yoyoing frustrating. What? Just can’t understand?
I’m that guy that likes organic yoyos, as well as all the others, while some “just can’t understand why anyone would like an organic.” I totally can understand why other shapes are appealing to others. What? Just can’t understand?
It’s fine to disagree or have a different experience but if you are having problems understanding someone can be that different, I hope that one day you can find joy in learning to understand.
One experience/opinion to rule them all. Really? I just can’t understand! lol