What is your favorite yoyo brand

I have to say YYF.
they have almost everything for everyone.

They make my 3 favorite yoyos, so I stay loyal to them.

Well YYE is technically a yoyo brand ;D

DM is technically a Yoyojam, YYE is a site/corporate force. Sooooo~

The Dark Magic 1 & 2 ARE YYJ yoyos.

I would have to say One drop

YoyoRecreation. Competition throws that are so good, so that they double as fun throws.

My boy, there was a time YYF was overrated.

This is my top 5
1: Auldey!!!
2: Duncan
3: C3yoyodesign
4: yoyofactory
5: Onedrop

Duncan is the World’s #1.

I tend to like Yoyojam, Yoyofactory (gets a LOT more hate than it should, if at all), Square Wheels (shoutout to Blake), and I LOVE how CLYW’s finishes on their yoyos, absolutely PERFECT for fingerspins! :smiley:

Dude, half the brands are ovverrated. Shinwoo or Big Brother yo-yos~ xP

Nah you got it wrong. There are so many companies out there making high quality yo-yos. Getting praise doesn’t make them overrated it means they’re appreciated. At this moment we are in a golden age of high performance yoyo manufacturing. The market is stacked. With this comes the threat of fading into obscurity, like SPYY and H-spin. More than half of the brands get too little attention.

Companies like YYJ, C3, YYR, CLYW, OD, and YYF have become highly successful for many reasons. This doesn’t mean that they’re overrated. These companies have established loyal followings by having good contest teams, engaging the community, and innovating the yoyo itself. Extreme undercuts, side effects, high performance plastics, hubstacks, budget metals, and hybrids have become commonplace thanks to these companies. Appreciation and loyalty does not mean they’re overrated. They’re simply getting the job done.

Gsquared Yoyos.

I’m very new to unresponsive yoyo’s. But OneDrop is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

My favorite yo-yo brand is of course YoyoExpert. But, for those who manufacture yo-yos, YoyoFactory is clearly in the lead.

They make the yo-yos that I’ve been the most impressed with so far, Ricochet, H.O.T., Shutter, Doomsday Genesis, Avant Garde…to name a few.

I like a company that has a good business model, they know how to find a void in the market, fill it, and then market things properly. I like smart business decisions, good marketing, value for customers, and the best at it all is…YoyoFactory.

I never picked a favorite in the past, but when I look at my collection, YYF is clearly in the lead.

My favorite brands are SPYY, General Yo, yoyorecreation, CLYW, and One Drop.

One Drop