What is your favorite yoyo brand?

Of the brands I’ve tried, SPYY.

I was jk when I said yomega it’s really one drop. (So far)

Yomega, Anti-Yo, SPYY, and HSpin.

CLYW for metals, YYF for plastics.

I giggled.

Well, I try not to speaketh much about my favorite brand, cuz it’s the cool thing these days to call people Fanboy’s from their expressed enjoyment, but… ::Liam Lynch* voice:: YEA WHATEVA… here’s my half of it

To be honest… one of the huge things about Genyo, that appeals to me, is not that it’s easy/amazing to get on friendly, personal terms with the owner. But the sense of comradery and mutual respect between the fans. It’s almost like we’re happy for each other, and even more happy to help each other out and find that missing piece for our collection. No jealousy/envy. It’s great. Couple that with some flat out killer yoyo’s… yeah… it’s a very polished equation that is really starting to become defined now from all the years of Elbow grease Mr. Kaiser has put in to his brand. Fans, Owner, and You, a trifecta that can almost become symbiotic if you choose to let it. I like to think of it more than just some brand striving for highest competition standards, but of a small niche of players who just really love the product and what it represents.

*based on Liam Lynch’s look, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually threw

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The reference to “United States of Whatever” is genius, SkyHighYo… I flippin LOVE that song and always have.

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I would have to say spin dynamics!

Currently I’m big into OD and CLYW, but I really want to get into the Gen Yo club… I LOVE the looks of some of their throws

Well I would have said spyy but I’ve been throwing a g2 Nessie and I’m not sure anymore

In my case, no brand dominates my collection. My top 5 purchases tend to be YYF, YYJ, OD, CLYW and General Yo. But, much of that has to do with how many models some companies release compared to others. There are companies like SPYY who will make one model I’m absolutely in love with, and I’ll buy several colors of that same model. Other companies consistently make good models I’m interested in, and I’ll buy one of each. So, the situation with brands, and calling one a favorite is difficult for me. I feel like, in order to pick a true favorite, I’d have to try most of the brands out there.

If I were trapped on an island, and I could only use one company’s throws, having access to all their models, I’d probably pick YYJ (YYF second). They just have so much variety, for so many styles of play.

Im sorry yoyofactory, but id have to say spin dynamics.

Spin Dynamics is great. In my top 12 main case is the MonkeyFist. I think as they release more models, they will be mentioned a lot more often on this subject.

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I’ve played a lot and I pretty much love every brand mentioned on here so far. My current favorite brand happens to be Square Wheels. I own one of the Royale, Rex and Rockefeller and they are all great! The company seems like its run by some true yoyo geeks trying to be as DIY as possible, and I got nothin but love for that kind of indie hard work. Oh yeah they all play and look great, I’m sure most of you have seen their ano jobs :wink:

sOMETHING and Hspin

Oh, you guys know me so well :).

what would happen if someone told you that they never tried a yyj yoyo? How would you react?

my favorite is all time by far yoyojam 100%

mind implodes.
(Ps. I like that iyoyo58 has total brand loyalty. It’s like he’s totally against bandwagonning[jumping on the popular side] Though I don’t feel the conviction myself, it’s something I respect, Kudos iyoyo58.)