What is your favorite style of yo-yoing?

Walk the doggy style :yo-yo::dog:

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1A because I rarely hurt myself doing it. Man 3A and 5A look so cool though. One day Iā€™ll get enough of my bases covered to get into those formats more.


Ed Haponik fanboy resporting!
Lol Iā€™m all about that 0a just something fun and quirky about it while other styles seem to be about smoothness and tech (which is fine) theres a stop and go organic aspect to fixed axle that I dig and I just love stall tricks in general. I love how it honors the roots of the hobby while still pushing it in new directions with its own modern vibe and tricks. Combine that with a bit of personal nostalgia and its just the style that resonates the most with me.


Hey Everyone Iā€™m glad this forum is going well keep it up :+1:t2: but in the meantime I thought I would have a little poll to see what is the best style(s)of yo-yoing. I have an awesome poll you can choose up to 2 styles if you like or just one itā€™s up to you.By the way this poll ends this Friday (9-10-2021) at noon so you guys will have a chance to fill up this forum put your answers in and get greater results. Canā€™t wait to see the final answer :wink:
(sincerely yoyogeek15) (aka Gianni )[poll type=multiple results=on_close min=1 max=2 chartType=bar close=2021-09-10T16:00:00.000Z]

What is your favorite style(s) of yo-yoing ??

  • 1a
  • 2a
  • 3a
  • 4a
  • 5a

Marco will be tacking the lead with the poll below mine thank you for understanding :+1:t2:

This forum has a poll function. When you make a post press the gear symbol button and then choose ā€œbuild pollā€

Thanks for the update :+1:t2:

hmmm I think you canā€™t make a poll yet because your account is pretty new. I can try to make one
What is your favorite style of yoyoing?

  • 1A
  • 2A
  • 3A
  • 4A
  • 5A
  • 0A

0 voters


Thank you Marco Iā€™m so sorry this was my first time making one but if you can do it for me that would be great thanks man :+1:t2::+1:t2:


Double dice and 3A are what Iā€™ve been playing the most recently. I tend to like weirder and less explored styles where it feels easier to come up with your own tricks or elements and be creative with it. Iā€™ve got a lot of respect for people who can be creative and innovative with 1A, because I definitely canā€™t do it.

I love seeing other people just try out less explored concepts and doing weird unique things. Stuff like seeing people on instagram playing double dragon with a counterweight on the second string is very cool. You can make the argument that stuff like that is gimmicky, which is kind of fair. But to that Iā€™d say at one point 4A and 5A were probably just seen as weird gimmicks too.


Iā€™m a huge fan of the modern responsive ā€œ0Aā€ style. There is something about the way tricks flow together and the way you can change plane with ease that really speaks to me. Also the challenge feels slightly different than modern 1A, and keeps me throwing ā€œjust one more timeā€ for way longer. I dont play any fixies, all bearing responsive between the Day Tripper, Weekender, and Deep State.


1A and 0A pretty much tied for me. 5A a close 3rd. Id rank 2A higher if the learning curve wasnā€™t so high; god knows I put in quite a few hours trying to get looping down, and I still canā€™t get a pulse on what makes it loop more than once or twice (left or right handed). I still need to work on some 4A basics for it to be more than throw, catch, bind. Itā€™s cool, but will probably never be my favorite style. As for 3A, I havent tried it. Closest ive done is do 1A left handed, which surprised me at how much learned muscle memory can do, but two unresponsives? I donā€™t need that level of kink to excite my yoyo spirit yet.

