my toxic hazmat is my smoothest yoyo, then my chief. usually chiefs are more smooth but mine has a couple pinpricks were as my hazmat only has one itsy bitsy pinprick
A pinprick won’t affect smoothness a ding on the other hand can.
I’m going to base mine off of feeling in the string and grinding like glass, it would be a 7075 superstar, preferably my Jensen kimmitt superstar
General Yo is known for its dead smooth yoyos. They are the standard for smoothness, and in 4 years of yoyoing I have yet to try a company that makes smoother yoyos than General Yo.
Oh no this thread again. General Yo hype machine engaged lol.
You have no room to talk, sir. How do you think we felt when you made 3 topics about the same thing within a few hours of each other?
Back on topic, I feel that my General Yo’s are some extremely smooth yoyos. Maybe not the smoothest in the world, but still smooth.
To this date, I have not experienced anything smoother than an Anglam with a Ceramic KK…
Unbelievable !!!
A very close second would be my General Yo Hatrick with a cleaned and lubed AIGR bearing.
We have reached an era where the majority of YoYo’s are pretty darned smooth now, so something has to be quite extraordinarily smooth to distinguish itself from all the rest.
I am going to have to agree that just by looking at what the guy did the Nostalgia is the smoothest yoyo possible. But in the realm of practicality with something you can actually get your hands on with normal means I have to say the Summit. Out the box the smoothest thing I have ever thrown compared to anything else I have used right out of the box.