As strange as it sounds, I spend the days before my yoyo arrives deciding what the first trick I will attempt when I get it, only to freak out and check if it really is unresponsive when I get it. What’s the first trick you do?
I do a double or triple laceration hook depending on my mood, then that flows into a double neck wrap/unwrap, and then a between the legs wrap/unwrap. I have a video of it in slow mo somewhere…
The very first trick I do with it was a breakaway and a bind, just to see how the response is. This habit started when I got my MYY N5 and the response was way to slippery.
But when I get new throws I usually learn a few new tricks with each one. Chief? Learned Kwhatjibo and the Sky Bind. Got my classic? Landed a Brent Stole. And kept doing them consistently. ;D