What is the best yoyo to buy under $150.00?


probably should be in a another thread but why not get a Wooly Markmont?
There are some left to purchase and once they are gone, they are gone for good

Yes the wooly markmont is a great choice maybe 30 left !! Other wise get a Essence no doubt the best ive thrown in 7 years !!

gone for good?

Only 1 run, they won’t ever make anymore.

I’d say a superstar

yoyorecreation dreadnaught… 4 left

Freehand Zero. . .

For under $150, that’s about the only one I can think of too. :wink:

Do you like big ones, little ones, light ones, heavy ones? Best for what? 1A? 2A? If you play 2A, we’ve just compiled a list of the worst yo-yos for under $150

Have Fun,

where can i find the wooly markmont??
can you give em a link please??

Under $150?!? That’s a long list. Almost everything under that price is or can be a great yoyo. What are your preferences?