What happened to John Chow?

Did he like retire from yoyoing or something >.<

He still throws, as far as I know. He’s in college though, I think?

He’s currently a student in MIT, a prestigious research university. I can only imagine his college life is taking a lot of his time that he’s been MIA on yoyo videos and all that kind of stuff.
Little do people know that many of these yoyoers have a life outside of yoyoing. In John’s case, he’s a full time student in one of the top-leading universities in the United States.

Can’t blame the man for pursuing something.


He’s busy curing cancer at MIT.

Yes, he is in school during the year, but he did compete last year at R.I. States which is close by where he went to school. He also can be seen in a battle this year.

I’ll not post here because of the language in the song playing in the background. Search “John Chow yoyo” on Youtube and you will see it pop up.

He’s studying his butt off at MIT. He still throws, he was at MA States 2012.