What got you into yoyoing?

Seems like Corona is one of the biggest yoyo promoters of all time


I wonder if that friend of yours is still into yoyos… :rofl:

I was a young kid walking with my family through Ala Moana center in 98, and we happened across a performance on the main stage by Team High Performance.
A quick look at the High Performance Kites shop got me my first yoyo, the hyper russell.
This started the dream to be as good as the THP guys, and I never stopped since.


From watching your videos, I’d say your dream has become reality.

Fantastic story!!!

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that Netflix we are the champions reignited my interest from almost 20 years ago


Thanks for sharing this!

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'Rona definitely made me buy more yoyos than I have in recent years… But it helps these stores and companies during these trying times and puts a smile on my face


Early to mid eighties my great grandmother was put in a nursing home and we visited often. One time my mom saw how bored I was and gave me a few bucks and told me that there was a toy store around the corner. I found a red Duncan Professional. After that I always had a yo-yo in my pocket. Then I quit for 20ish years and thanks to COVID, I started again last September.


With as good as you are now, maybe that was worth it.

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When I was 18 or 19 I stole a yomega fireball from a toy shop. I remember thinking it would be fun to do a few around the worlds as I walked the strip mall. It just happen to come with a DVD. I’d watch and practice while I drank and Wala here I am


You did. Well, not you personally. This forum, this store, and the collection of tutorials available. You didn’t actually get me INTO yo-yoing, you kept me in the hobby. That is the bigger issue. Yoyoexpert, the community and tutorials have kept me yo-yoing.


Awesome the journey shall become

The late 90s got me hooked I use to have fireballs sabre raiders raiders then the Henry’s viper super yo yyj the rest is history

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Jensen 2010 random side bar Worlds video. Not even looking for yoyo anything, completely different video, but there it was. Bought some yoyo’s from mgiroux77 bst on OD forum within the next few days.


Funny enough it was pewdiepie that lead me to buy a yoyo. Then I found Gebtrys channel and this amazing community!

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A kid in fifth grade had a Duncan Imperial. I went home and bought a yoyo. A few year ago I found that yoyo and thought, “there has to be more” I found out there was more, a lot more.