Gran Torino, idk what to think quite yet.
Just watched the trailer - I think it could be tonights movie
It was pretty good!
This doesn’t spoil anything…but I side with the robot =]
i’ve been toying with watching this for quite some time. I think its one of these films where i have to be in the right frame of mind.
Signs was right up my ally. I liked it as much as I liked Sixth Sense.
The latest movie I watched was Detective Pikachu. I liked it alot. I’m a big Pokemon guy though, I have 2 poke’tats i gave myself.
Good choices. I haven’t seen Pikachu yet but its on my list.
Seeing as you liked Sixth Sense Have you tried Unbreakable with Bruce Willis ?
I seen it when it first came out, I liked it alot then. I can’t hardly remember though. I just bought Glass the other day, I plan to watch all 3 one of these days.
Don’t know that one, i’ll have to watch the trailer, who’s in it ?
Samuel L Jackson, Bruce Willis and the guy that plays professor X in the newer xmen movies.
Unbreakable was good I guess, not that much to say about it.
Dude that was nuts.
Went see the new Godzilla movie.
If you’re watching Godzilla for the monsters fighting each other this one is the best one there is in my opinion.
I could take or leave the plot.
City Of Death. One of the very best Doctor Who serials of the classic series era and starring Tom Baker as The Doctor. Written by Douglas Adams under the psudonym David Agnew, it has a sharp and snappy plot and is rather funny to boot oh and lots of lovely location footage filmed in Paris all from 1979
Girlfriend is out of town for the weekend so I’m already deep into my favorite category of movies - Movies I love that she absolutely can’t stand.
Went with Dead Alive and Big Trouble in Little China last night. I’m leaning towards some old Stallone tonight - Cobra for sure and probably Demolition Man.
Anyone else got weekend movie plans?
Not really a film, but I finished the last episode of Kill la Kill just now; I can’t believe it’s over
Saw MIB: International yesterday and Dark Phoenix the day before.
Dark Phoenix was actually ok but a tad underwhelming for the conclusion of such a big franchise.
I thought MIB was funny, but the plot was just too messy and there were some obvious plot holes, so overall not good.
Nice…haven’t thought about BTILC in ages!
A board game came out last year:
Been watching some OG twilight zone