Yes your right if i dont watch that i wouldnt understand the story.
I fixed that for you Garrett
I agree with @codinghorror not all movies do well.
What’s the one you think he did well?
It was all rapidly downhill after Sixth Sense…
After which means he’s had more than 1 decent movie. Die Hard 1 & 2 we’re great. 13 Monkeys, Unbreakable and that was after Sixth Sense.
We are talking about the director not actors. M. Night Shamalamadingdong. And yes, he has only ever made one good movie: Sixth Sense.
I will say I was thoroughly disappointed with The Village. I thought Split was great though.
Yeah Split was OK, at least it wasn’t terrible like his last 5 movies before that one…
The Visit was okay.
Insert Heavy Sarcasm
I saw Spirited Away last weekend with some friends and it was pretty fricken awesome. I plan on watching We Are Throwers once our yoyo club gets the 15$
You are all watching it together? that sounds like fun.
On Friday I watched a great mid 90s SOV horror film called Death Metal Zombies, it was just as silly as it sounds but there was some great music in the soundtrack.
Apart form that plenty more Dr Who as ever. I am obsessed!
Yesterday I watched ‘Risen’ . About Jesus. Even if I’m not that much of a believer, I really enjoyed the movie! After the movie, I even told my mom that I wanted to read the bible again. I have the bible in comic edition. Beautiful pics and easy to understand
I liked Unbreakable; haven’t gone back to watch it recently, but i’d probably still call it decent. The Visit was pretty good too. And I liked Split, but that was mostly James McAvoy acting his nuts off. So he’s made some decent movies, but also many awful ones which I won’t argue with.
That won’t stop me from watching it every Christmas though.
Watched a cool short documentary last night called “Long Shot.”
It’s about a guy wrongly convicted of a murder in LA.
I think it was only around 40 minutes long and is available on Netflix.
Saw Avengers: Endgame on Sunday. I give it a B+.
I watched the 2 part series on the circus on Netflix put out by PBS. It was fun and interesting learning more about Barnum & Bailey and Ringling Bros.