What do your parents think of yoyo??

I’ve lived out of the house for 4 years now. My money is my own and my parents don’t really give my spending habits much notice. My mom does still think my longboard will break my leg, which is odd because I’ve been riding quite a while.

I’m 29, too old for my parents to care. My wife, on the other hand, supports my hobby. She knits, I yo-yo. We have an understanding. We’ll turn on one of our shows, and she’ll knit while I throw.

mine think its great although my mom gets kinda frustrated with the noise and they dont get why i spend so much money on yoyos :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

My dad and my uncles used to play with yo-yo’s and spin tops back in the day ( 60’s, 70’s). When I got back in to yo-yoing my dad went nuts. We went to nats this year and now he wants to get back to doing sports ladders and even some contests. He has just has much fun has I do. My youngest son is in on it too. So the three of us practice together.

My mom gets sorta annoyed with it and always complains about the money I spend and the noise it makes… I’ve been working on looping lately and hit the ceiling alot… that ticks her off…

My dad is pretty supportive. All the time he brings over a clip of the smothers brothers he saw on tv or last year there was a thing about NATS on the news he taped for me. He is a little bothered by the money spent but is understanding, especially sense its my money that I’ve earned.

My parents never really cared how much yoyos I bought except when I spent $25 on one back then during the 1999 boom. Being 25 now, they don’t think I’m being crazy/immature and realize it’s a thing I like to do. Often, they’ll have me showing my younger nieces some tricks when they happen to have their yo-yos with them or if we’re at a friend’s house and I happen to have brought my yoyo with me.

my mum and dad think it is really stupid spending $50 on a yoyo. when they dont realise that you can spend up to $600 on a yoyo and that fifty dollars is considered cheap. my mum likes me yoing because she thinks its way better than playing X-box 360 and watching tv