I used all of my data in chrome browsing yoyo expert forums.
The good news is that Discourse is extremely bandwidth efficient:
it’s a JavaScript app that runs in your browser so it only downloads the minimum necessary data to display in JSON format and renders that data entirely via already loaded JS code
we only load images as they scroll into view, as of recently.*
You could have a hideously poor internet connection and still have a good experience on Discourse. One caveat: you do need to download the JS app bundle on first load, so that’s a bit of up front cost.
* prior to that all posts were loaded in chunks of 20 as you scroll up or down, so it was still good but not optimal like it is now.
I thought something had changed with pics. They kind of blur into focus now.
Yes the low res 10x10 placeholder is used which is pre-rendered into the replies. That way if the image completely fails you get a sense of what it might be, at least.
It is kinda funny to scale a 10x10 pixel array up to large size.
Reddit, then YouTube, then Chrome. Reddit not so good for yoyos but great for other stuff.
If you want to see an example, here’s a 10x10 image in HTML
<img src="" width=433 height=492 />
Raw image is here
↑ it’s teeny tiny
original source
Another example
Size cost:
5×5 | 234 bytes |
10×10 | 464 bytes |
20×20 | 1,291 bytes |
40×40 | 4,142 bytes |
Oh so you use your phone as your WiFi source instead of a router? Cool.
Watching yoyo tutorials and this forum.
That… is a ton of data
And I only have 500 megabytes of data.
Spotify by a long shot! Can’t go anywhere without my music
Me too
instagram mostly.
I do not have internet / wifi at home…just my iphone6 with no unlimited data…
I’m using the WiFi at my house right now. I use my mobile data on the way back from school to browse yoyo expert forums.
I automatically connect to wifi at work. I’m low on data now so that’s handy. Plus, Starbucks on my days off…
I have WiFi basically everywhere on campus, so I very rarely use data. Without WiFi, I would probably use the most data on Spotify.