What Do You Think Will Be In Those Mystery Boxes

Pretty fast but not that fast, stable enough, spin times were lacking IMO. This throw really suffered from “wide gap-itis” in my opinion.

I initially hated the equilateral, it seemed like a cheap metal, not worth the $110. But I did get the deal which added the 2 loop 808, all for a price of $85(?).
However it grew on me and became my staple throw.
I agree with GoCrazy, you feel as if you can play fast but its shape just doesn’t allow for very fast play. Spin times were okay, better than my YYJ Theory and YYF Northstar however my SPYY Amplifier spins way better! But the bearing that comes with the Equilateral makes this quiet-ish noise which sounds nice to my ears, as opposed to the train within my Northstar.
But to be honest, the equilateral still isn’t worth $110, probably $60 in my opinion


I’m sorry to say but that’s not going to happen. It’s way too popular.

Yeah, this was essentially what I thought.

You know what would be awesome? If there was a H.O.T in the box. That yoyo is seriously amazing for pretty much everything 1A (can’t do 3A and my 5A sucks lol). Harold, Paolo Bueno and Kevin Nicholas all use it and their styles are pretty diverse.


Thats what Im hoping too even though I know its not gonna happen but hey I can dream

Are g-funks possible choices? Saw a bunch in stock.

Woops sorry!! I guess I scrolled down 1 comment too low.


But since the mystery boxes are shiping today I think the items that arent in stock are the ones that got shipped

Nah the items that were in the box usually disappear from the site when everyone’s start arriving

I remember that from last year with the avant gardes

Did anyone get a mystery bundle box as well?

Me! Got one yesterday and I’m super excited.


got both mystery bundle box and YYF mystery box so excited

There’s OneStars. I can feel it. :wink:

It’s gonna be a Roll Model, the new Spec-X bearing, and some plastic or a popstar.

I wouldn’t mind a roll model and something like a protostar

a roll model, protostar, and spec x isnt near $140

thats about 115?

plus i think they got rid of alot of those with the pro packs a couple months ago

Equilateral and a protostar plus random extras