What do you get when a YYF SuperStar and a SPYY PRO have a kid? This thing

A Dream Yo New Wing, Thats what.
Stability: Better than the SuperStar (confirmed by a guy with one) and PRO. Almost as good as my Messiah
Grinding: Just as good as a PRO or better
Shape: a very deeeeeeepppppp angular cut. Get used to it, you’ll love it!
Smoothness: smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth.
Speed: Your own
Versatility: Everything
Size: Full
Horizontal Tricks: Better than the best

If you have a G5 or played with one, you know what it feels like to have a yoyo spin while you’re holding it. Why a G5? I held my New Wing on the rims FOR 8 SECONDS

The shape is spot, on. It hits the string and it stays there. Hops are very easy with this.

The finish on this makes this a joy to grind. You know those tricks that get really close to your hand, and that if you hit you hand anyways it will choke the yoyo? If this bumps your hand, it aint’ stoppin’.

Horizontal tricks are very fun and easy to pull off with this yoyo. The large diameter and heavy rim weight keep this at the angle you throw it at. Because I have been trying horizontal tricks with smaller sized ones, this thing is a God-send.

Final thoughts: This has changed my thoughts on full sized yoyos. I used to think they were uncomfortable and ‘clunky’ (whispers super star) but ever since I got this, I want more of them.
This really is a DREAM to play with