What do I need?

Okay, I am looking for a hefty throw that has a long spin time. Sizes I like are about 54-56mm in diameter and width is good between 42-44mm. Weight is good around 69grams (so to make it hefty). I also like yoyos to have a long spin time.
A good example would be the Aviator, that I already have. What would another good one be?

Another thing I am looking for is a yoyo that is great for Horizontal. I already have a Shutter and not much can beat that, but what else is good?

Yotrick civility and type 1 citrus genesis

Checked and there’s also:
Heavy Hitter Type S

If you were open to 57mm diameter it would open up to a lot more choices

YYR E=MC^2. It’s a bit smaller diameter than you’re after, but doesn’t feel like it, and is one of the best playing yoyos in that weight ever.

Okay, I am now open to 57mm in diameter, but what about $80 and under.

I also have a Glide.

Magnum, freehand AL, Schneider and stealth ogre fit as well now but are all over the $80 mark

Also saw the dream-yo lion

could check out the illmina and sasquatch even though they’re 68.5

nothing really in that price range that I mentioned

just realized the Octave - 1st Gen fits your requirements almost perfectly

Diamont Noir just had 3 new throws listed here on yye that fit your preferences

Except the price

I’d say octave 1st gen is gonna be the best choice

I’ve heard nothing but praise about that throw

I believe that is what I’ll get.

I know the price is high for me, but how is the old Irony JP (not 2013)

Definitely. I don’t have one but connor scholten did a whole 2 minute routine in 1a throw on that.

Old school irony jp is awesome with the new one being even better

That being said the specs on yye are wrong so I think it’s too big

Tenyoyo Bebop just got released for $70 and it’s got the diameter and width that you want

Just not the weight

Still thought it was worth mentioning considering how much hype it has going for it

Releases at ten tonight.