What did you get in the mail today? 2021

Do they do mini size book shelves and nook’s? Book Nook Magic – 17 Tiny Rooms to Add to Your Bookshelves - The Book Family Rogerson
I don’t know anything about them and I have no affiliation with anyone for these. Amazon has a nice selection which are cheaper too for the same diy kit

Inner cup reminds me of the X³ La Goutte! Great throw!


Yes, yes they do. Thank God I’ve got a woodshop. They want top $$$ for even acrylic shelves. Crazy man.




Batsquatch 7068! A couple days late but I’m waiting for inspiration to hit for a photo.

Love’d my OG.



Very excited about this mail day. For multiple reasons… I’ve seen some very cool 3D printed yoyos and i finally got to try one out! Thank you @TheThrowingGnome for you generosity, with the Bumblebee H shape yoyo cabe this amazing box and very cool yoyo stand. Thank you!

I alsopicked upon pre-order the new Baslik-D from zerogravity. Can’t wait to try these out!


Tell us how they play!


RSO - The End Part II (Finale) - Doc Pop Patreon edition

The packaging, finish, and yoyo as a whole experience is just top notch.


More than doubled my collection on a good deal from another Canadian yoyoer. Wanted to try out some organics :slight_smile:


Of the organics, Kappa, Contact, and the Sherpa are my favorite of those. Sherpa is really fun and reminds me a bit of the YWET. The Contact is great too, very nice lightweight organic. And of course, I’ve waxed poetic about the Kappa on numerous occasions.

The Koi just didn’t agree with me (felt heavier than I tend to like my throws), but I know a lot of people love it!

The Yeti 2 is a great take around throw too, before I dove back into the scene summer ‘20 I was seriously considering using it as one of my only throws since the b-grades are so cheap I figured I could pick up a life time supply for like $30 lol. Still a great throw (unmatched for its b-grade price) but there’s other plastics I enjoy more now (Speedaholic XX and PLSTC come to mind).

Regardless, you picked up quite the great bundle there! Excited to see what you think, enjoy them!


Thanks for the input :slight_smile:

Contact has by far been the throw I’ve connected with most of the bunch (playing responsive atm) with koi in second place. The contact moves where I want it to when I want it to (I’m still pretty new fyi), and the koi is weightier for sure, but seems like an easier catch and it has such satisfying binds.

Kappa has kind of fallen flat for me beside the contact and koi, slippy binds and just haven’t gotten a feel for it yet. I’m hoping a fat string and maybe some different response pads might make it more to my liking. This was kind of the case for the Rev 1 in there also, but with some lube it seems to be working a little better for me.

The Sherpa feels like such a strange beast. It’s got the responsive bearing in it, and I’ve lubed it with lithium grease even, but it still really doesn’t want to play responsive. Not sure what to make of it unfortunately.

The yetis are a phenomenal value and are seriously impressive and fun for the price. My shooting star and speedaholic xx are definitely my preference, but the yetis are good beaters I can let friends whip around and not worry about.


Try double looping the bearing, like an older transaxle from the late nineties.


I want one so hard! Love love love the color on this one.


i blew it by not grabbing one of those


Same here. The Doc drop slipped my mind and the RSO went way faster than I could type.

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Try it unresponsive (hoping they sent you the extra axle). It’s a whole different beast that forces you to play clean to get the best out of it. Really nice haul!


This worked! Thanks so much :slightly_smiling_face:

@Shapapy unfortunately I didn’t get the extra bearing/axle, I’ll see if I can track down the length of axle since I do have an extra full spec bearing or two lying around. I will be grabbing an unresponsive Slim line or two so might get a similar effect as to what you’re encouraging me to do?

Thanks guys!


Just got these two beauties from @RC_yo-yo. Both feel amazing to play and am excited to keep learning 0a


This is the all the yo-yos I traded for my latest batch of yo-yos I made. My biggest yo-yo unboxing ever - YouTube
Thank you to @adamantiumpops @yoyo2442 @mag @POspot @Sebtendo for the trades.
And if anyone else wants to trade I still have these two left.


Lovely. Just lovely.