What did you get in the mail today? 2021

Heck yeah! Can’t wait to see some trick videos out of you with those new throws!

(I’m not super great, but I use PowerDirector on my phone for editing, it’s got a free version if you don’t mind the watermark, and super easy to use. I’m sure the kid could probably do it 100x better than either of us :joy:)


Bro you killed it! Trading for a ton of new throws was an epic move and super smart! :sunglasses:


To run the Sherpa Unresponsive its just a standard M4 10mm that is easily found at a hardware store and common in alot of other Yo-Yos


Sweet, I’ll grab one :slight_smile: thanks


I’m super happy with the whole thing. It was a great experience. Everyone was really cool.


Accidentally bid on this beautiful new in package Lace Wing butterfly from the late 70s/ early 80s. This one plays better than the red/white one I got the other day. The axle is clean, and the starburst isnt as deep so it spins long and smooth. Super fun for 0A and already landed a Kwyjibo on it too.


I got a lot with one of these in it! Super stoked for it to get here.


My RSOxDocPop The End Part 2 collection is complete!
(Until the Ti releases…I missed out on the prototype :sob:)


You got 4 yoyos from a limit 1 per customer release? Did the limit only apply per colorway?




Was wondering this as well; the pre-order limited to 2 per customer but maybe that was only per-colorway.

Nope, the email I got just says limit two yo-yos per person.

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Holy moly, how is that possible? You payed to Elvin with golden nuggets? :smiley:


Nah, he paid Elvin with anti-matter.

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How much do they cost now? I’ve always wanted one. They were just before my time.


I got a PV 44 today…. Green color way.

The finish color is rich and smooooooth like butta.

This yo-yo is so smooth it’s amazing.

Hand winding is a bit tricky because of the shape.

I adjusted to that in about 10 minutes.

Turns out the reverse wall is a very effective shape. Personally, I can’t figure why the concave walls work so well. Fortunately, I don’t ever need to know, lol. I just need to throw🤓

It would be cool if I could think of something I don’t like about the PV44. (just to break up the positivity to sound more impartial, lol).

But I can’t think of a single thing.

A most excellent effort with this design.

PS… Something else I just noticed(a feature that ‘sunk in with a little more play’). This 44 is very unresponsive. But at the same time, binds lock up really nice. I would think (just based on a shape that in theory should not offer good binds) that the string would slip…. But not the case.

….And it’s so stable.

And, another thing. It would seem(bases on the shape) that the yo-yo might have more of a tendency to fall down the string. But it doesn’t even feel like it wants to slip. It just rolls down in a very controlled way.

(Sorry for a little redundancy in the last few paragraphs. Just trying to process how well this yo-yo plays as I roll along)

This design is certainly not accidentally good. It’s just an intentionally good effort.

Eric, you’re gonna need a bigger hat, lol.


Also, I got something else in the mail and after all these years, I finally got my first tattoo!

It happened so fast!

I got an NSK bearing for my Titanium Sunbird because Yoyofriends decided it rolls along much better with the NSK.

So, I installed it in the Sunbird(casually optimistic). And that’s when it happened.

15 minutes into throwing this upgraded Sunbird and I have a SMILE permanently tattooed on my face, lol.

What an amazing difference…


I’m happy for you but I must admit that sounds a bit painful

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Actually, it was the promise of my first born :sweat_smile:

But seriously, Elvin is a really cool dude and is a fellow collector…he gets it, you know? And to be clear, I didn’t pay anything extra over retail. (Like that’s anyone’s business, anyway).

To be honest though, I’m beginning to regret posting about it for all of the flak I’m catching…there’s some really sour folks out there throwing some serious toddler tantrums over a yoyo release.

Rather upsetting how some people just wanna take the hot air right outta my balloon.