What did you get in the mail this week (2013-2018)

CLYW Sasquatch

An epic mail week

Phenom, man 40mm is my jam

YYE Big Bang. Maybe the coolest plastic inown.

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Unicorn fade Marvel, patriot swirl marvel, snozberry warthog.

Actually the best yoyo ever

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Wow another great mail day.

I’m really starting to agree with this. YoYoJam was ahead of its time with a lot of their stuff

So a month ago, I sent my Skywalker off to Gruntbull Ano for a 2 color splash reversed on each half. It arrived today, however not in the colors that I was expecting. The washed out pink and silver is the original. I have just applied monkey snot, so tomorrow night I’ll know what it looks like spinning.

And finally. The last of my Christmas gifts. The monkeyfinger prime8 artist proof with all the schwag that makes monkeyfinger so dang awesome

Santa Bbdave sent me this little bag of awesome. This is what was inside, yoyo-wise. There was also a bunch of strings, thin lube and a bearing tool. The XT I already had. I like them all but the one I’m playing with the most right now is that sweet little blackity black Regen. It’s not as smooth as the metal ones but it’s not beating on my hand as much and I really dig the H.



I got some yeezys, a joyride, Sputnik, bff and a skyva.

My CLYW fix is stable… For now.

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I could just drool!

A yoyo holster and a snowflake collection replay pro

Finally found the slickrock. The m8’s are awesome

mfd does some neat stuff thats for sure so pretty

thanks. i love them

Brand new Clyw Orca

Barracuda Jr!